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Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)

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1 Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)
(see Glatter, J. Appl. Cryst. (1980) 13, Determination of particle-size distribution functions from small-angle scattering data by means of the indirect transformation method) Particles of identical shape, different sizes (hR) = normalized scattered intensity from single particle, size R Dn(R) = particle size distribution fcn m(R) = integral of xs scattering length density particle of size R Infinite dilution, random orientation

2 Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)
(see Glatter, J. Appl. Cryst. (1980) 13, Determination of particle-size distribution functions from small-angle scattering data by means of the indirect transformation method) Particles of identical shape, different sizes (hR) = normalized scattered intensity from single particle, size R Dn(R) = particle size distribution fcn m(R) = integral of xs scattering length density particle of size R To get Dn(R) directly, must have known particle shape and shape factor (hR)

3 Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)
Particles of identical shape, different sizes (hR) = normalized scattered intensity from single particle, size R Dn(R) = particle size distribution fcn m(R) = integral of xs scattering length density particle of size R Alternatively, use IFT method

4 Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)
Particles of identical shape, different sizes (hR) = normalized scattered intensity from single particle, size R Dn(R) = particle size distribution fcn m(R) = integral of xs scattering length density particle of size R Alternatively, use IFT method

5 Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)
Particles of identical shape, different sizes (hR) = normalized scattered intensity from single particle, size R Dn(R) = particle size distribution fcn m(R) = integral of xs scattering length density particle of size R Alternatively, use IFT method (solve for by c s by least squares)

6 Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)
Example - spheres w/ polynomial size distrib starting distrib fcn x distrib fcn calc'd from scatt data

7 Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)
Example - spheres w/ polynomial size distrib starting distrib fcn x distrib fcn calc'd from scatt data smeared scatt data

8 Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)
Example - spheres w/ double Gaussian size distrib starting distrib fcn calc'd from scatt data smeared scatt data

9 Indirect Fourier Transformation (IFT)
Previous examples used known particle shape factor If wrong shape factor used (say, for prolate ellipsoids w/ axes R and 3R): distrib fcn forspheres for ellipsoids

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