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Chao He 2012-09-19.

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Presentation on theme: "Chao He 2012-09-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chao He

2 Outline Data Summary and Sources Analysis of Footprints Summary

3 Data 41 diverse cell and tissue types
14.9 billion reads, 11.2 billion unique reads ~273 million reads / cell-type Raw Data: GSE26328 and GSE18927 Processed data: Login:encode-box-01 Password:enc*deDOWN

4 Regulatory DNA is populated with DNase I footprints
footprints: DNA segments protected by proteins that are not sensitivity to DNase I enzyme

5 Footprints are quantitative markers of factor occupancy

6 Footprints harbour functional SNVs and lack methylation

7 Transcription factor structure is imprinted on the genome

8 A 50-bp footprint localizes transcription initiation

9 Distinguishing indirect transcription factor occupancy
Directly bound sites: ChIP-seq peaks containing a compatible footprinted motif Indirectly bound sites : ChIP-seq peaks lacking a compatible motif or footprint Colour of each cell: indirect peaks that co-localize with the direct peaks of another factor

10 Footprints encode an expansive cis-regulatory lexicon

11 Novel motif occupancy parallels regulators of cell fate

12 Summary DNase I footprints are importantly related to TFs’ binding pattern and intensity A 50-bp footprint help to locate TSS Footprints can recovery TF’s motif and identify novel regulatory element

13 Thank you

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