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Welcome to Honors World Geography

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1 Welcome to Honors World Geography

Workload and expectations will reflect that. We will focus the first semester on basic geography… Scale Projection Types of Maps Mapping technology ….and regional geography. What stats are located where What they look like. What the standard of living is. The second semester we will focus on human geography topics. Population and Migration Culture Economic Development and Global Issues

3 Please take out your phones & Join remind

4 Class ROOM RULES- You are expected to:
Respect yourself, the teacher (myself, another WHS teacher, or substitute) and others in the classroom at all times. Follow all classroom procedures and routines as instructed.  Seating is assigned. You may not chose your seat. DO NOT MOVE –UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Your seat number is your assigned computer number, phone bin number, test number and aids in easy flow of the class with attendance, distributing materials.

5 Class ROOM RULES- You are expected to:
NOT use profanity, or act in a violent or disruptive behavior – disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to: Immature behavior Speaking during instruction to classmates. Interrupting class to use the hall pass repeatedly. Rearrange furniture without permission. NOT use electronic devices during class unless given leave to do so in a planned activity. Cell phones WILL be collected at the beginning of class Everyone is assigned spot in the phone bin with their number Sorry, but you can not keep your phone to “listen” to music while working.

6 Any student who keeps a phone and then is caught using it in class…
First Warning – phone is turned over to Ms. Stewart. Second Warning – a referral will be written and parent will be notified. “A student’s refusal to turn over an electronic device will result in an immediate discipline referral and will be handled by administration as refusal to obey / defiance.” This policy will enforced exactly as written. There is NO reason for you to be on your phone during class. It is a distraction and you need to focus on what is being taught.

7 Come to class prepared each day with materials required for the day’s class.
Agendas are distributed at the beginning of each unit. Information is updated via remind and the white board. Actively participate by listening, discussing and staying on task. In Class Work Days are just that – no visiting with friends, conversations beyond the task at hand, or asking to leave the room for extended periods of time. NOT consuming food in the classroom. PERIOD. NO EXCEPTIONS! No one will be excused to fill your water bottles or purchase food – no exceptions. Any food observed in the classroom will be confiscated. Any spills from your drinks are YOUR responsibility to clean up.

8 NOT leave the classroom for any reason without permission and without a pass.
NOT spend my class time in other teachers’ classrooms (socializing, making up work, etc.) or visiting coaches, athletic trainers, guidance counselors, the front office, etc. Remain in their seat area until the bell rings for dismissal. All WHS policies on dress code, cheating, school wide rules are enforced in this class.

9 HOW THE CLASS IS GRADED ​45% of Grade - Tests/Projects (will be recorded as 'Test/Major Assessments in PowerSchool) Honors tests are usually a combination of multiple choice, true/false, visual interpretation and map identification. They range from questions in a 50 minute time period.  There will be one major project  per quarter, due around the close of quarter. Details of these projects will be given as they become relevant. ​25% of Grade – Quizzes (will be recorded as 'Quiz/Minor Assessments' in PowerSchool) There will be scheduled mid unit quizzes. In addition to content quizzes, students will have an open entrance ticket notes Media Quiz every two weeks. 

10 20% of Grade – Class Assignments (will be recorded as 'Homework' in PowerSchool)
Assignments are worked on in Class, but must be finished outside of class if necessary. Typical Assignments in every Honors World Geography Unit will consist of - but are not limited to: Vocabulary Online Assignments In Class Guided Notes Maps 10% of Grade - Daily Media Notes (will be recorded as 'Classwork' In Power School As a warm up activity, we watch a 10 minute students news broadcast every day (except test days and if the schedule doesn't permit).

11 Grading Odds & Ends Quarterly Breakdown & Course Weight
Each quarter of the course counts for 20% of the student’s final course grade, and the final  exam will count for 20% as well. The Floor Score Policy Students who average 49% or below in either the FIRST and/or SECOND  quarter will be given a score floor grade of 50%. However, if a student scores 49% or lower in the SECOND semester (THIRD, FOURTH, and/or the FINAL) the score than they earn will be recorded. 

12 ​Parent Grade Notification Policy
Finals and Exemptions All students will take a district generated End of Course Final consisting of one supplied response question (25%) and  75 multiple choice questions (75%). Students who average a 90% across all four quarters at the conclusion of the Final Exemption Deadline (to be established by the administration of WHS in May) and who have less than 10 unexcused absences in that period,  may exempt themselves from the multiple choice portion of the exam.   ​Parent Grade Notification Policy All parents will be notified IMMEDIATELY if a student’s grade drops below a 60% (D). The parent will continue to be notified until the grade is satisfactory. Parents and students alike are encouraged to be active on PowerSchool to stay informed on their grades. There is no student requested extra credit.  

13 The Second Chance Policy
Tests must be corrected within 15 school days of the grade being posted in Power School (**unless the quarter closes before the 15 days are up - then the student must correct it sooner**). Students schedule a time to do corrections in presence of instructor OUTSIDE of classroom time (before school, 2nd lunch only, after school, during an elective from which they have the teacher's WRITTEN permission.) No notebooks, notes, book, phones, etc. may be used. Students may correct a test ONCE. Students will receive ½ credit for each test item CORRECTED up to 85%. Incorrect second selections are not penalized, but do not count for additional credit. Extra credit earned in review is not included in the 85 threshold.

14 Late Work Policy Due dates for all assignments, tests, quizzes and projects are posted in the classroom, online and on a paper agenda distributed at the beginning of the unit of study. Late work is accepted, but penalized. Once point penalties points have exceeded the point value of the assignment, the assignment will NOT be accepted for any credit.  Penalties Are As Follows: In Class and Online Assignments are penalized at the rate of 5 points per day, weekends and holidays apply. Projects are penalized at the rate of 20 points per day. ​Any projects or assignments are not turned in at the end of the quarter (even if they have not ‘pointed out’) are entered as zeros and may not be made up or submitted.

15 Making Up Work If you are out…keep up with your agenda…everything is on Google Classroom. You must miss THREE (3) consecutive class days to be excused from a test or quiz. If you miss a test, you must schedule a time to make it up outside of class. A 50% will be posted in the grade book until the test is made up. If you miss a quiz, you have FIVE school days to make it up, or you will take an alternative quiz. A 0% will be posted in the grade book until the quiz is made up. All work must be made up before the conclusion of the quarter or 50s become 0s and 0s stick.

16 This week’s Schedule… Thursday
Nuts and Bolts Notes Are Due w/ a parental signature. Books are distributed. Agendas are distributed How agendas are read. Map Assignment 1 is distributed – may work on in class – will be due Monday. Friday In Class Work Day Setting Up Google Classroom Work on Quizlet until Bell

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