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AUTHORS: Asrat Dibaba (MD), Jean Hatsindimana (MD), Aimable Ndayizeye

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1 Channels of Hope (CoH) Approach for HTSP/FP Information and Services Demand Creation in Burundi
AUTHORS: Asrat Dibaba (MD), Jean Hatsindimana (MD), Aimable Ndayizeye Igniting a movement to transform communities Faith leaders have profoundly deep, trusted relationships and links with their communities and often dictate which behaviors are prescribed or prohibited. Background In Burundi, a high total fertility rate (TFR) of 6.4, a low 18.9% contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) among married women, and a maternal mortality ratio of 499/100,000 paint a dismal picture for the current state of sexual reproductive health and rights (BDHS2010). While the government and partners are trying to increase the quality and quantity of available services in the area of sexual and reproductive health, the majority of interventions currently implemented focus on provision of services and commodities and the exchange of information. It is important that gender and socio-cultural barriers be addressed in order to maximize the impact of other interventions focused on quality of care and access to services. World Vision’s RAMBA Sexual and Reproductive Health project is a 3 years ( ), €1.9 million EUR project funded by European Union in partnership with World Vision aimed at addressing socio-cultural barriers and works in four provinces in Burundi: Cankuzo, Mwaro, Muramvya, and Gitega. Rev. Pastor Fidele BIZIMANA, a trained CoH Facilitator, sharing information on HTSP/FP with his colleagues faith leaders. Program Intervention Channels of Hope (CoH) is a proven, effective methodology that uses a community facilitative process to sensitize and mobilize the overall faith community to respond compassionately and practically to social issues.  Originally conceived to educate and address stigma related to HIV, the CoH model has been adapted to directly engage on family planning issues.  Through workshops adapted to each community’s needs, faith leaders are educated, supported and equipped to encourage and guide communities to access and use family planning information and services Methodology The project implements a wraparound program of training, facilitation, and support of key community groups resulting in 1) Improved attitudes and perceptions of religious communities on gender and socio-cultural aspects of SRHR issues; 2) Couples practicing Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy (HTSP); 3) Better informed youth practice reduced high-risk sexual behaviors, and 4) the project builds up a regional network and learning platform to share information and best practices on SRHR. A baseline survey was conducted to benchmark HTSP/FP knowledge attitude, and practices of 382 Faith leaders. Results According to the baseline survey, over 99% of faith leader surveyed were Christian . Only 14, 1% of faith leaders surveyed reported that they were delivering messages on modern contraceptives methods to youth. Over one year implementation period, the project trained 991 religious leaders and their spouses on HTSP/FP and helped establishment of 76 congregational actions teams (CAT), CAT members attend follow-up workshops similar to those attended by the faith leaders, and implemented action plans., provided correct and updated HTSP/FP information. By the end of the first year, the total number of families who adopted modern family planning method was 17,557. Faith leaders attending seminar on HTSP/FP Faith leaders, communities & youth reach with SRH Messages  Reach Number Religious leaders and their spouses trained on CoH for family planning 991 Congregation actions teams established 76 Community members participated in SRHR discussions 21,544 Young people received comprehensive education on in SRHR 8.926 Number of new families adopted modern family planning method 17,557 Program implications Channel of Hope is a successful approach for changing attitudes of faith leaders on SRHR. With their widespread influence they can motivate changes in thinking, foster dialogue, set priorities on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights for their communities. CoH directly addresses faith leaders’ misconceptions about family planning issues, thereby empowering faith leaders to transform their thinking and the thinking of others in their communities. There is a growing need to demonstrate the role and impact of faith in development. The experience of this project in working with faith leaders demonstrated the positive effect of CoH. However, more rigorous research data on the role of faith in development is needed. RAMBA Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights project is funded by the European Union and World Vision Germany.

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