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Lesson 046 Learning Goal: (You should be able to…)

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 046 Learning Goal: (You should be able to…)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 046 Learning Goal: (You should be able to…)
Describe how models of the inside of Earth developed over time Success Criteria: (Can you …) Complete a time line LISTEN and RECORD carefully.

2 How to organize lesson 046 The lessons Agenda was: W to T
Time line ppt

3 Vocabulary Terms Direct observation. Indirect observation. Inference.
Seismic Waves Crust Mantle Outer Core Inner Core

4 Answer the following on lined paper…
Write to Think 046 Answer the following on lined paper… Exactly how many centimeters in a meter? About how many meters in a foot? So about how many centimeters are there in a foot? What indirect observation did R D Oldham make? What prediction or inference did R D Oldham make? What is refraction?

5 Andrija Mohorovicic Find the box for Andrija Mohorovicic
Complete Observations and Predictions/Discovery. Use your reading to find the information. Quote the text… (Line ??-??) 4 minutes.

6 Andrija Mohorovicic Background:
Croatian meteorologist. Humble beginnings Rugged and intellectual (math and physics major). A connoisseur of languages (Italian, English, French, German, Latin, and Ancient Greek. Observed Zagreb (capital of Croatia) earthquake in 1909.

7 Observations by Andrija Mohorovicic

8 Predictions by Andrija Mohorovicic


10 Evidence and Reasoning
Observation: he “noticed a similar odd deflection, but at a shallower level.” (Line 22-23) Deeper waves travel faster because it’s more dense Prediction/Discovery: “He had discovered the boundary between the crust and the layer immediately below, the mantle; this zone has been known ever since as the Mohorovicic discontinuity, or Moho for short.” (23-25) Finish filling out the box on Andrija Mohorovicic. Earth diagram coming your way.

11 Title ???????????????? Semi-solid (molten) Mantle Crust Solid Crust

12 Inge Lehmann Find the box for Inge Lehmann
Complete Predictions/Discovery. Use your reading to find the information. Quote the text… (Line ??-??) 4 minutes.

13 Inge Lehmann Background: Observed the New Zealand Earthquake in 1929.
She was a Danish seismologist. She was taught by Hanna Adler (Neils Bohr’s aunt). Studied math at Cambridge. Observed the New Zealand Earthquake in 1929.



16 Evidence and Reasoning
Observation: she noticed the original seismograph shakes hours later, like something solid inside reflected some of the seismic waves back. Prediction/Discovery: she “discovered that there were two cores—an inner one that we now believe to be solid and an outer one (the one that Oldham had detected) that is thought to be liquid and the seat of magnetism.” (Line 28-30) Finish filling out the box on Inge Lehmann. Earth model coming your way.

17 Title ???????????????? Crust Semi-solid (molten) Mantle
Fluid Outer Core Crust Solid Inner Core Solid Crust

18 Questions about how the inside of Earth was predicted
On google classroom CHANGE THE TITLE! Use your reading “How Scientists predicted what’s inside the Earth” and your Earth Model’s Timeline Graphic Organizer to help you answer the questions found on “Questions about how the inside of Earth was predicted.”

19 Questions about how the inside of Earth was predicted
Before 1906, what was the only thing human’s really new about the inside of Earth? Building on questions #1 what direct observations/evidence did human’s have that allowed them to know this? What indirect observations did R.D. Oldham make when observing the Guatemalan Earthquake of 1902? What did he infer from the ’shadow zones’ from the Earthquake? In R.D. Oldham’s model what was added from the previous model? Was the mantle liquid or solid? What about the core? What indirect observations did Andrija Mohorovicic make when observing the Croatian Earthquake of 1909? Why did the shallow waves arrive first to the seismographs close to the epicenter? Why did the deep waves arrive first to the seismographs farther away from the epicenter In Andrija’s Earth model what layer was added? Was the mantle liquid or solid?

20 End of Lesson

21 Direct vs Indirect observation
You look at grass, you conclude: this is grass and it is green. You have observed the green grass. Direct. You know that in plants green color is caused by chlorophyll. You look at grass. You conclude: this grass is green, so it has chlorophyll in it. You have observed chlorophyll. Indirect. In case of direct observations you sense the phenomenon in question by your sensory organs directly. In indirect observations, you sense something intermediate that implies the phenomenon in question. These intermediate things can be many. The more intermediate things there are, the more careful you have to be with your conclusions.

22 Direct vs Indirect observation
Direct observations involve looking at the actual behavior or occurrence rather than a result of that occurrence, which would be an indirect observation. For example, if you were interested in seeing how much candy was purchased by a particular neighborhood, you could gather the information in one of the two following ways: Direct observation: observe customers in a store and count how many bags of candy they purchase. Indirect observation: look through trash cans on garbage day to see how many empty candy bags are in each trash bin Indirect observation tends to be used when the data cannot be gathered through direct means, or when gathering the data through direct observation tends to be too expensive.


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