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Presentation on theme: "Biomes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biomes

2 What is a Biome? A large region characterized by specific climate as well as plant and animal communities Named for plant species Plants determined by climate Plants determine animal species

3 Biomes Tropical Rainforest Temperate Rainforest Temperate Deciduous
Desert Taiga Tundra Arctic Prairie Estuary Wetland River Lakes and Ponds Coral Reef


5 Climate Temperature Precipitation Sunlight Wind Humidity
Organisms adapted to live in narrow temp range Growing season Precipitation Size and diversity of species Sunlight Length of day Wind Humidity

6 Latitude and Altitude The higher you go in latitude and altitude the colder the climate. Smaller vegetation Lower biodiversity

7 Biome Presentation

8 Biome Presentation Twenty minutes Climate and geography
Representative species Adaptations Food web Native peoples Threats and Hazards

9 Biome Presentation Breaking Down Large Problems Partner Tech lab
Presentation October 5th Work cited Professional site Database Print source

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