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Educational Philosophies

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1 Educational Philosophies

2 Lesson Essential Questions
What are the basic tenets of five major educational philosophies? What are your beliefs about teaching and learning?

3 Five Major Educational Philosophies
Essentialism Perennialism Progressivism Social reconstructionism Existentialism

4 What is a philosophy of education, and why should it be important to you?
In order to develop your philosophy of teaching, you must ask and answer these questions: What is the purpose of education? What content and skills should schools teacher? How should schools teach this content? What are the proper roles for teachers and students? How should learning be measured? Go ahead and free write for five minutes some responses in your daybook. Now meet with your team and discuss your responses.

5 ESSENTIALISM 8.1 Academics Mastery of material Rigorous Set Curriculum
ESSENTIALISM Focus: Emphasis on academics Promotion based on mastery of material Academically rigorous Curriculum determined by administrators and teachers Role of Teacher: Sage on the Stage Video Segment 22 – Essentialism in Action: A Classroom Lesson An elementary teacher organizes an exciting class competition based on a television game. The involvement and excitement of the students is apparent. At the end of the segment, students are asked to consider the following questions: What are the advantages and disadvantages of this competitive approach to learning? Why are these topics appropriate for an essentialist classroom? What are the dangers inherent in any essentialist approach? Sadker Video Segment 22 from CD

6 Sample Classroom Activity
Click on image to watch clip

7 PERENNIALISM 8.2 Classic ideas Reason The Great Books Set curriculum
Concepts PERENNIALISM pe·ren·ni·al  adjective \pə-ˈre-nē-əl\of a plant : living for several years or for many years : having a life cycle that is more than two years long : existing or continuing in the same way for a long time : happening again and again Focus Focus on classic ideas Develop reason and moral qualities Emphasis on humanities and the great books Teachers set curriculum Little flexibility in curriculum Focus on concepts rather than facts Emphasis on learning for learning’s sake

8 Sample Classroom Activity
Click on image to watch clip Sample Classroom Activity

9 Turn and talk One way to inspire active listening in your students is to give them a listening task. It might look like this, "I'm going to describe the process of _________. I will pause along the way and ask you to turn to a partner and explain to them what you heard." You can ask students to take turns talking each time you pause, and meanwhile, walk around observing their conversations (also allowing you to check for understanding).

10 PROGRESSIVISM 8.3 Student interests Real-world Project-based Doing
Field trips PROGRESSIVISM Focus: Education based on needs and interests of students Students learn by doing as well as from textbooks Teaching through field trips and games Emphasis on natural and social sciences Experiential learning Grouping by interest and abilities Video Segment 23 – Progressivism in Action: A Classroom Lesson This American Civics class learns the law by role-playing different legal cases. In this case, the pledge of allegiance is debated. At the end of the segment, students are asked to consider the following questions: How do you feel about “learning by doing”? What do you think about teaching fewer topics in greater depth? Video Segment 23 from Sadker

11 Sample Classroom Activity
Click on image to watch clip Sample Classroom Activity

8.4 Meaningful social experiences Social, political, and economic needs Reconstruct society Problem solvers SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONISM Focus: Physical world as the basis of reality Learn from meaningful social experiences Focus on social, political, and economic needs Learn by reconstructing society Become intelligent problem solvers, enjoy learning, live comfortably in and reshape the world

13 Sample Classroom Activity
Click on image to watch clip Sample Classroom Activity

14 EXISTENTIALISM 8.5 Individuality Development of student Student-driven
Humanities No grading system EXISTENTIALISM Emphasis on individuality Students determine what is true, right, beautiful Helping students understand themselves Teachers expose students to various paths; students choose which to follow Humanities emphasized Math and science deemphasized Rarely found in public schools No grading system

15 Sample Classroom Activity
Click on image to watch clip Sample Classroom Activity

16 Turn and talk One way to inspire active listening in your students is to give them a listening task. It might look like this, "I'm going to describe the process of _________. I will pause along the way and ask you to turn to a partner and explain to them what you heard." You can ask students to take turns talking each time you pause, and meanwhile, walk around observing their conversations (also allowing you to check for understanding).

17 Let’s review and see what you can remember.

18 1. Accumulated knowledge of civilization

19 Essentialism

20 2.

21 Social Reconstructionism

22 3. Robert Hutchins pushed the study of Great Books

23 Perennialism

24 4. Dewey believed in the Scientific method

25 Progressivism

26 5. Social problems provide a natural direction for curriculum

27 Social Reconstructionism

28 6.

29 Essentialism or Perennialism

30 7. Students decide what they will learn

31 Existentialism

32 8. Allan Bloom promoted an Anglo-Saxon Curriculum

33 Essentialism

34 9.

35 Progressivism

36 10. Studies should alleviate social problems

37 Social Reconstructionism

38 11.

39 Progressivism

40 12. Children work in small groups

41 Progressivism, Reconstructionism, Existentialism

42 13. Self-paced learning Self-directed learning

43 Existentialism

44 14

45 Social Reconstructionism

46 15. The three ‘Rs crucial:

47 Perennialism

48 16. Teachers walk around and guide

49 Progressivism, Reconstructionism, Existentialism

50 17. Few textbooks-should be using great books

51 Perennialism

52 18. Teacher is the moral and intellectual model

53 Essentialism

54 19. Very few elective classes

55 Essentialism, Perennialism

56 20. We each must find our own truth

57 Existentialism

58 21. Dewey felt autocratic, traditional schools were anti- democratic

59 Progressivism

60 22. Many private and religious schools are _________________schools

61 perennialism

62 23. Study challenging books by authors such as Shakespeare, Homer and Darwin

63 Perennialism

64 24. Sorts intellectually gifted for leadership roles

65 perennialism

66 25. People learn best through real-world experiences

67 Progressivism

68 26

69 Progressivism

70 27. Lessons should intellectually and emotionally stir students

71 Social Reconstructionism

72 28. Subject matter takes second place student’s “essence”

73 Existentialism

74 29. "I believe that the teacher's place and work in the school is to be interpreted from this same basis. The teacher is not in the school to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and to assist him in properly responding to these influences."

75 progressivism

76 30. “Cafeteria-style education, combined with the unwillingness of our schools to place demands on students, has resulted in a steady diminishment of commonly shared information between generations and between young people themselves.” E. D. Hirsch

77 Essentialism

78 31.

79 Social Reconstructionism

80 32.

81 Progressivism

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