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CAB Forum August 2018 Professor Stephen Naylor Chair, Academic Board

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1 CAB Forum August 2018 Professor Stephen Naylor Chair, Academic Board
This is an alternative title page with space for images.

2 Agenda Academic Board Minutes August summary
Key presentations from Academic Board Reports and Presentations Academic Offerings Q & A

3 Reports CAB REPORT Academic Board Communication and Engagement Strategy; Scheduled meetings; Other Meetings/Activities Attended; TEQSA Re registration; Student Appeal Panel Meeting; Academic Misconduct Committee; and Graduation ceremony. VICE CHANCELLOR’S REPORT International Student Enrolments in Australia; Academy Change Plan; Times Higher Education Asia-Pacific University Rankings; Academic Ranking of World Universities Subject Rankings;

Subject Coordinator Advanced Workshop – 28 May 2018 Sessional Staff Induction Subject Coordinator Essentials Workshop via Online Modules Learning and Teaching Evidence for Promotion Work Integrated Learning (WIL) – Community of Practice Deans and Academic Heads Breakfasts for DTES and DTHM JCU Foundation REPORT FROM CHAIR OF THE RESEARCH COMMITTEE Overview of the new pricing tool – for research and consultancy activities Draft Innovation Strategy Policy Status Report

5 College on a Pedestal - CSE




• graduate outcomes remained solid across all programs in both Divisions; • DTHM pressure points included new technology implementation fatigue (staff enthusiastic about potential benefits but significant workload associated with moving from one system to another with academic staff at capacity) and staffing levels and skill mix (affected clinical practices building operations, maintenance of accreditation in some disciplines and sustainability and expansion of Honours and specialist postgraduate programs concerns); • DTES commencing enrolment numbers were the main problem, but the declining trend was not explained by any one factor and the size of commencing cohort trends and why students were not attending JCU should be a primary focus; • that CPRs be reviewed by discipline rather than CPR enquiry themes; • that the programs be reviewed in the context of pending architecture / profile and campus signature reviews; • that the incorporation of selected reactions into Divisional strategic planning be anticipated in the preparation of future CPRs and DAPRs; and • that a quality assessment and quality improvement approach be used and the CPRs prepared through assessment against performance criteria, rather than open ended questions with course data. Ms Stronach and Mr Turner provided an overview of the item and the Board noted: that the Divisional Academic Program Reports (DAPRs) were a collation of the issues identified in the Course Performance Reports (CPRs) and were not designed for planning and strategic use. Student EFTSL growth has flattened out in the Division of Tropical Health and Medicine (DTHM) and total commencing enrolments had declined in the Division of Tropical Environments and Societies (DTES); an influx of new players in the market, particularly in Allied Health, was mitigated somewhat by JCU’s good reputation for learning and teaching; a review of the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) feeder program, Research Methods, had doubled enrolments; Allied Rural Generalist program was an innovative model and a responsive approach to an identified health workforce need; Improved pathways through the Diploma of Higher Education (Health), which were now paired with 10 DTHM undergraduate degrees in Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC);

Ms Thomas provided an overview of the Priority Project of the Vice Chancellor and the Board noted: the Improving Student Retention Priority Project Final Report provided an overview of the Improving Student Retention Priority Project’s aim, resourcing, strategies and achievements since 2016 and provided a series of recommendations for ongoing investment in student retention initiatives; project strategies were discussed and included the need to investigate further emerging business models that included Surveys, to improve student retention; functions performed by the Improving Student Retention Priority Project roles were not replicated in other areas. Without extension of funding to existing positions or, the provision of increased FTE to integrate these functions into business as usual processes and roles, these functions would cease when the Project employment contracts were completed; and integration of data and evaluation across the University and the programs was required to build capacity.

a Pathways Board of Studies (BoS) would be the primary academic body for JCU to oversee academic quality assurance of academic and English language pathways and non-award professional programs developed and delivered by JCU or its controlled entities, this would include James Cook University College (JCUC) and domestic pathways; an Academic Lead and Chair of the Pathways BOS would provide an interface between pathways delivery and operating entities and the University with a focus on Academic Governance; this Board of Studies would report directly to the Academic Board; and in recognition that the development and delivery of international academic pathways was in the early phases of operationalisation, it was recommended that this framework be reviewed 2 years after commencement of teaching.

The Board received the update and overview provided by Ms Desira in relation to the Academic Performance and Development Framework and noted the ongoing and emergent initiatives aimed at strengthening the University’s staff development processes, systems and frameworks. The Framework was consistent with the Human Resources (HR) process with normal employment, recruitment and development planning and promotion and the implementation planning meeting would be held by the end of August 2018. Progress in some areas has been slower than anticipated. Similarly, new options were being explored through cross-unit collaboration. The Board agreed that a working party needed to be established and that the PDP should go hand-in-hand with the promotions process. Dr Dillon expressed an interest in participation in the working group. The Board noted that the Academic Leaders training had been well received, both in terms of content and the cohort being brought together. The Board provided the following feedback: it was in the interest of academic staff to have an eResearch portal approach to recording staff development as that was how performance was measured and this portal could be utilised to provide a portfolio used for promotions and other requirements; concern was raised around the use of the existing eResearch portal and the Board noted that any process and portal needed to be inclusive of all academic staff (research and teaching); James Cook University Singapore (JCUS) were considering a points based system for the Performance and Development Planning (PDP) to incentivise staff response to development; Other universities have used online PDP for some time; JCU was unable to systematically measure PDP and monitor activities the University was taking funding for and there was a requirement to be compliant; and Tertiary Education Quality Standards Association (TEQSA) standards required investment in staff by the University.

There had been a decline in student response rate which had affected student satisfaction surveys; Declines in Commencing, CPS, International, and Offers to enrolments Student Satisfaction improved on 2016, Good Teaching (CEQ) and retention declined TEQSA Compliance OK (amber on retention, Grad Sat and Financial viability )

14 Academic Offerings All minor amendments are listed in the Academic Board Minutes
Division of Tropical Environments and Societies New Courses Graduate Certificate of Global Development Graduate Diploma of Global Development Master of Global Development Graduate Certificate of Engineering Graduate Diploma of Engineering Master of Engineering (Professional)

15 GENERAL BUSINESS The Board noted that 3 appointed members’ terms would be expiring in The members were: Dr Kuttainen, Dr Lasen and Dr Devine EOI Nomination have sought through the Secretariat.

16 Q & A Questions Ideas Comments

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