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Mrs. McBain’s Classroom Expectations

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1 Mrs. McBain’s Classroom Expectations

2 Welcome to Room1754! It is my job as your teacher to make sure that this is a positive working environment, a place where you can feel comfortable and confident while you are learning.

3 In order to ensure that this is possible, I need some help from you!

4 Here are a few key things to keep in mind and that will ensure that you are successful here in room

5 Attendance As a member of this class you are expected to be present and on time to every class. Should you be absent, see me for any work that you missed or any handouts. It is your responsibility to catch up on the rest of the class. Should you miss a test or an assignment you will complete it or should submit it immediately upon your return. Electronic submissions will be available later in the term.

6 Due Dates It is expected that all course assignments, whether written or presented in class, be completed on time. It is your responsibility to keep track of when assignments are due. Should you experience difficulty with an assignment, see me!

7 Late Assignments After the due date students may submit a late assignment as long as the assignment has not been marked and returned to the rest of the class. Once an assignment is returned to the class those students who have not submitted it will still complete it or another one to receive marks.

8 Plagiarism To plagiarize is “to appropriate and give out as one’s own, the writing, inventions, or ideas of another.” To plagiarize is to be dishonest with your teacher, your peers, your “source” and yourself.

9 Plagiarism BCI has a zero tolerance policy with regards to plagiarism. Assignments containing plagiarized work whether in whole or in part, will not be accepted and have to be redone in whole or in part.

10 Classroom Maintenance
Respect the classroom as you would respect your own home. Garbage and graffiti will not be tolerated Please make use of the blue bins (cans, plastic bottles etc.) and grey bins (paper).

11 Electronic Devices It is expected that students will follow school policy in regards to the use of smartphones in the classroom. Smartphone use is permitted in this classroom when, and only when, the teacher indicates. When these devices are being used, they are for educational purposes only (that means no gaming etc). Abuse of this policy will result in a re-evaluation of class policy.

12 Electronic Devices Personal electronic devices (laptops, netbooks, tablets) are permitted in class as long as they are being used appropriately. The use of MP3 players are acceptable in class during individual study and independent work.

13 Textbooks and Classroom Materials
You are responsible for bringing the materials required for the day’s class with you. Do not rely on me to provide you with extra pens, paper, handouts, textbooks etc. Anything you borrow MUST be returned. This includes: books, pens, pencil crayons, markers, etc.

14 Classroom Devices The technology that is used in this classroom (netbooks, Ipads, cameras etc.) should be treated with the utmost respect and care. These items will not be replaced if damaged or lost. Mistreatment of classroom technology will result in the student’s privilege to use this equipment being revoked. All class Netbooks are equipped with Deep Freeze This means that anything that is saved on the netbook is erased once it is shutdown! Bring a memory key/stick to class in order to save work.

15 Leaving the Classroom In order to leave the class you must write your name on the board at the side of the room and record the time at which you are leaving. When you return please remove your name from the board. Bathroom breaks are kept to a five minute maximum.

16 Class Discussions When asking questions and participating in class discussions please raise your hand and the teacher will call on you. DO NOT YELL OUT! NO HUNTING! Classroom discussion and presentations are not an opportunity to take someone else down. Constructive dialogue is always welcome; hunting is not permitted. Be APPROPRIATE

17 Extra Help I am happy to provide extra help to any student who requests it. However, please remember that I am not a mind reader and, therefore, you must speak up and advocate for yourself. I am available before school, most lunch hours and after school. Please see me to confirm a time.

18 Always remember... I am here to support your learning and ensure your understanding. In order for me to do this to the best of my ability, communication is of the utmost importance. This classroom is a team environment and in order to assure success, we must all work together. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” - Henry Ford

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