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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to UNF CAMP COMPOSITION"— Presentation transcript:

Turn in paperwork- releases and contract Pick up parking pass Be seated for overview and introductions Christine Weber, Ph.D., Director COEHS Department of Childhood Education, Literacy and TESOL

2 PURPOSE The purpose of Camp Composition is to bring Northeast Florida students and parents together with local area lead teachers and UNF undergraduate and graduate students and faculty, in an effort to help our local area school students earn higher FSA English Language Arts – Writing scores and also acquire stronger lifelong writing skills.

3 Components 4th through 11th grade participants received weekly writing skills instruction and individualized feedback on their writing for six Saturdays. Individual conferences with teachers, students, and parents are provided. Stress reduction and relaxation strategies are taught to students by an expert.

4 Meet the Teachers and Assistants/Volunteers
Erin Bozeman, Mandarin Oaks Elementary School Rm (4/5th) Pam Eaton, Lake Asbury Junior High School Rm (6/7th) Linda Hof, St. Augustine High School Rm (8-11th) Jennifer Odom, Stress Reduction/Relaxation Strategies, Palencia Elementary School Rm. 1100B Dr. Christine Weber, Director, Associate Professor Amanda Laukitis, MA in Elem. Ed/Literacy, Assistant to Director, Assessment Assistant/Special Projects Coordinator Audrey Keith-Horton, Elementary Ed Graduate Stephanie Mandarano, Elementary Ed Graduate Mari Sweeney, Elementary Ed Graduate

5 Funded Scholarships A special thank you to

6 FSA English Language Arts – Writing Component

7 What is the FSA English Language Arts – Writing Component?
Test given in grades 4-11 Based on CCSS Results are used to increase achievement

8 What will students be asked to do?
The three domains in the scoring rubric are: Purpose, Focus and Organization; Evidence and Elaboration; and Conventions of Standard English.

9 Text-based Writing Stimulus and Prompt Guidelines
For the informative/explanatory writing prompts, students will be required to synthesize and analyze ideas from the stimuli to develop and support a controlling idea (grades 4-11). For the opinion/argumentative writing prompts, students will be required to synthesize and analyze ideas and evidence from the stimuli. They will use these ideas to present and support an opinion (grades 4‒5) or to argue and support a claim (grades 6‒11). Overall Task Description Students will read a stimulus about a single topic. A stimulus consists of several texts written on a single topic. The stimulus should consist of informational or literary fiction or nonfiction texts and can cover a wide array of topics. After reading the stimulus, the students will respond to a writing prompt in which they will provide information on a topic or take a stance to support an opinion or argument.

10 Camp Composition REVIEW GUIDELINES in parent letter ANSWER QUESTIONS
Students with allergies please share concerns with the teacher Christine Weber, Ph.D., Director COEHS Department of Childhood Education, Literacy and TESOL

11 Requirement- Please report the writing scores to me in the spring!
Camp Composition Requirement- Please report the writing scores to me in the spring! Christine Weber, Ph.D., Director COEHS Department of Childhood Education, Literacy and TESOL

12 More information found at the Florida Standards Assessments Portal

13 Meeting With Teachers 4th-5th Room 1270 6th/7th Room 1280


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