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Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ramona Quimby, Age 8 Vocabulary

2 ceaseless not stopping Ramona watched the ceaseless falling
of the rain.

3 companionable Friendly Mary and Sharon are having a companionable

4 discouraged having no hope or happiness My sister was feeling
discouraged because she had so much homework.

5 dismal and dreary gloomy Ramona did not enjoy the
dreary, dismal November days.

6 exhausted very tired Mr. Hui was exhausted on Friday afternoon
when his students went home.

7 pelting beating against

8 sullenly angrily or not happily My mom sullenly sat at
the table waiting for me to finish my homework.

9 lariat a rope that cowboys use

10 protested complained Mr. Charles protested the amount of his telephone

11 vexed bothered by Mrs. Quimby was vexed by the
cold wind when she opened the door for Picky-picky.

12 cognitive having to do with the way the brain works
Mr. Quimby was studying about the cognitive thinking of children.

13 checker someone who works the cash register at a store

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