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Cross-cutting issues.

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Presentation on theme: "Cross-cutting issues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cross-cutting issues

2 Structure of the presentation
Introduction Monitoring plan Crediting period Issues raised during the workshop Tables for discussions

3 Introduction Two issues are identified in the options papers as crosscutting: Monitoring plan Crediting periods

4 Monitoring plan What to be included?
Validation and implementation of the plan

5 Crediting period Length Renewal: Conditions Number of renewals
First commitment period

6 Issues raised during the workshop
Some aspects of non-permanence also relate to environmental and socio-economic impacts Linkage between approaches for accounting and monitoring plan Uncertainties Relation to “IPCC Good Practice Guidance”

7 Discussions Tables for issues under options paper
Exchange of views on additional issues raised during the workshop Conclusions by the Chair

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