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40S / advanced placement TEACHER: MS. LETHBRIDGE

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1 40S / advanced placement TEACHER: MS. LETHBRIDGE
Computer Science 40S / advanced placement TEACHER: MS. LETHBRIDGE

2 Course

3 Course Description The focus of this course will be on programming techniques in Java and the basics of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). Topics will include algorithm development and design, recursion, data structures and collections, efficiency considerations, testing strategies, and more.

4 30S vs 40S - what to expect? Instruction/content modelled after 1st year Comp Sci courses Compiler – BlueJ – has terminal window (not visual like Greenfoot) Emphasis on logic and Math Frequent assessments to provide feedback (MC, free response) Most assessments written without use of previous projects/code Several assessments will be hand written. Excellent preparation for University Computer Science!

5 40S or 42AP – What’s the same? One credit
40S/42S credit with the option of writing the Comp Sci AP Exam. Final mark based upon projects, tests and an in-class final exam Much of the course content is the same

6 40S or 42AP – What’s the difference?
Marks in course based on tests, assignments, and final in-class exam Assessments expect less rigour, some will use a computer If you receive 75% or higher, you can use it as a prerequisite for Comp Sci 1020 (can skip Comp Sci 1010) at the U of M 42AP Marks in course based on tests (including a large cumulative test) and assignments Assessments are more difficult (depth of understanding) - more questions, no computer If you receive a 4 or 5 on the AP exam, you will receive university credit for both COMP 1010 and 1020 at the U of M (Free courses!)

7 Please Bring to Each Class:
Headphones Binder to collect handouts Pen, paper USB

8 College Board AP exam Date of exam: Tuesday, May 15th
Written at Fort Richmond Collegiate 3 hours in length Multiple choice and free response questions – NO CODING with a computer

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