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God Lights Our Way Red Letter Words of Jesus in Luke.

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Presentation on theme: "God Lights Our Way Red Letter Words of Jesus in Luke."— Presentation transcript:

1 God Lights Our Way Red Letter Words of Jesus in Luke

2 Is it Important Choosing How I Listen? Luke 8:

3 Parable of Sower— Let’s Farm!

4 Parable of Sower— Let’s Farm! Is this really what Jesus is talking about?

5 Did you know Jesus would probably FLUNK Homiletics at Duke? Luke 8:

6 actually addressing the
Jesus was NOT actually addressing the Sower of the Seed but how the LISTENER receives, hears, the Seed

7 Furthermore, Jesus is really NOT speaking of Seeds but actually the Word of God and the importance of how we HEAR it! Luke 8: 18

8 Status of our Spiritual Life
The Four Types of Soil Equals the Four Ways We Hear which reflect Status of our Spiritual Life

9 Spiritually Hardened Heart Our thoughts, unbelief,
1. Hardened Soil Equals Spiritually Hardened Heart Our thoughts, unbelief, keeps Word from Penetrating

10 Air Force “BIG BLU” GBU-57 MOP 30,000 lbs

11 Spiritually Uncommitted— “CEF” Crowd Initial Reception of Joy
2. Shallow Soil Spiritually Uncommitted— “CEF” Crowd Initial Reception of Joy but no ROOTs

12 3. Thorny Soil Spiritual Juvenile or Undeveloped Pleasures & cares of world choke Word

13 Real Story of African Monkeys & Coconut w/Orange

14 Soft Heart soaking up Word spiritually maturing
4. Rich, Good Soil Soft Heart soaking up Word spiritually maturing seeking constant plowing

15 status of our Spiritual Life
The Four Types of Soil Equals the Four Ways We Hear which reflect status of our Spiritual Life


17 How Am I Listening?


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