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Carbonates and Nitrates

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1 Carbonates and Nitrates

2 CaCO3,, Calcite CaMg(CO3)2 Dolomite CaFe(CO3)2 Ankerite MgCO3, Magnesite FeCO3, Siderite Molecular %

3 Calcite group minerals
CaCO3, Calcite MgCO3, Magnesite FeCO3, Siderite ZnCO3, Smithsonite MnCO3, Rhodochrosite CaCO3, Calcite FeCO3, Siderite Hexagonal _ Space group R32/c Hexagonal Point group: 32/m c Cations in 6-fold coordination

4 Dolomite-group minerals
CaMg(CO3)2, Dolomite CaFe(CO3)2, Ankerite CaMn(CO3)2, Kutnahorite Hexagonal _ Space group R3 c Cations in 6-fold coordination

5 Crystals of minerals of the calcite group

6 Aragonite group minerals
Cations in 9-fold coordination CaCO3, Aragonite CaCO3, aragonite BaCO3, witherite SrCO3,strontianite PbCO3,cerrusite c Orthorhombic Space group Pmcn

7 Crystals of minerals of the aragonite group
Cyclic twins: combinations of pseudohexagonal prisms and dipyramids Combinations of orthorhombic prisms and dipyramids Crystals of minerals of the aragonite group

8 Reconstructive phase transition

9 calcite

10 calcite

11 calcite Double refractions twinning Double refraction
Twinning in “dog tooth spar”

12 magnesite

13 siderite

14 smithsonite

15 rhodochrosite

16 aragonite aragonite twins

17 Aragonite shells

18 witherite

19 strontianite

20 cerrusite Cerrusite twins

21 dolomite

22 Il Dolomiti, The Dolomites of northern Italy

23 ankerite

24 Monoclinic carbonates
malachite Cu2CO3(OH)2 azurite Cu3(CO3)(OH)2

25 malachite

26 malachite b Cu(O,OH)6 edge-sharing octahedra forming chains. The three dots represent carbonate groups. a

27 azurite

28 azurite c Chains of CuO2(OH)4 and CuO4(OH)4 octahedra linked by edge-sharing. Chains are cross linked by carbonate groups (in red). b

29 Nitrates nitratite (soda niter) NaNO3 – isostructural with calcite
niter (saltpeter) KNO3 – isostructural with aragonite

30 nitratie

31 Niter (saltpeter)

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