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7-3: Other Market Structures

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1 7-3: Other Market Structures

2 Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition
Monopolistic competition: when many sellers offer similar, but not standardized products

3 Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition (continued)
2 features of monopolistic competition are product differentiation and nonprice competition Product differentiation: attempt to distinguish a product from similar products

4 Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition (continued)
Nonprice competition: using factors other than low price, such as style, service, advertising, or giveaways to convince consumers to buy their products

5 4 Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition
1. Many sellers and many buyers Meaningful competition exists Example: there are many restaurants where you can buy a hamburger

6 4 Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition (continued)
2. Similar but differentiated products Sellers try to convince consumers that their product is different from that of the competition

7 4 Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition (continued)
3. Limited control of prices Product differentiation gives producers limited control over price Consumers will buy substitute goods if the price goes too high

8 4 Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition (continued)
4. Freedom to enter or exit the market No huge barriers to enter a monopolistically competitive market When firms make a profit, other firms enter the market and increase competition

9 Oligopoly Definition: market structure in which only a few sellers offer a similar product Few large firms have a large market share: percent of total sales in a market

10 Oligopoly (continued)
There are few firms in an oligopoly due to high start-up costs—the expenses that a new business faces when it enters a market

11 4 Characteristics of Oligopolies
1. Few sellers and many buyers Generally where the 4 largest firms control 40% of the market Example: breakfast cereal industry

12 4 Characteristics of Oligopolies (continued)
2. Standardized or differentiated products Products can be standard such as steel They try to differentiate themselves based on brand name, service, or location Or, products can be differentiated such as cereal and soft drinks They use marketing strategies to separate them from competitors

13 4 Characteristics of Oligopolies (continued)
3. More control of prices Each firm had a large enough share of the market that its decisions about price and supply affect one another

14 4 Characteristics of Oligopolies (continued)
4. Little freedom to enter or exit market Set-up costs are high Firms have established brands, making it hard for new firms to enter the market successfully

15 7-4: Regulation and Deregulation Today

16 Regulation Definition: set of rules or laws designed to control business behavior to promote competition and protect consumers

17 Antitrust Legislation
Definition: laws that define monopolies and give government the power to control them and break them up

18 Example: Standard Oil Company
Trust Trust: when a group of firms are combined to reduce competition in an industry Example: Standard Oil Company Sherman Anti-Trust Act

19 Merger: when 2 firms join together to become 1
If a merger will eliminate competition it will be denied by the government

20 Enforcing Antitrust Legislation
The FTC and the Department of Justice are responsible for enforcing antitrust laws

21 Definition: reducing or removing government control of a business
Deregulation Definition: reducing or removing government control of a business Results in lower prices for consumers and more competition Example: airline industry was deregulated in 1978

22 Questions 1. In 2005, a major U.s. automaker announced a new discount plan for its cars for the month of June. It offered consumers the same price that its employees paid for new cars. When the automaker announced in early July that it was extending the plan for another month, the other 2 major U.S. automakers announced similar plans. What market structure is exhibited in this story and what specific characteristics of that market structure does it demonstrate?

23 2. Why do manufacturers of athletic shoes spend money to sign up professional athletes to wear and promote their shoes rather than differentiating their products strictly on the basis of physical characteristics such as design and comfort?

24 3. The Telecommunications Act of included provisions to deregulate the cable industry. In 2003, consumers complained that cable rates had increased by 45% since the law was passed. Only 5% of American homes had a choice of more than 1 cable provider in Those homes paid about 17% less than those with no choice of cable provider. How effective had deregulation been in the cable industry by 2003? Explain your reasoning.

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