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Career & Technical Instruction
Tammy Botelho Caudell CTAE Program Specialist, Special Populations Website: Here is my contact information if anyone would like to get in touch with me. I would be happy to personally come out to any school that is interested in starting a CTI or CCAE program and assist them. I love meeting with meeting with teachers and administrators. I also have business cards here if anyone would like one. Before getting started, by a show of hands, how many of you are CTAE Directors or CTAE Dept. chairs, Special Ed. Directors or Spec. Ed. Dept chairs, Principal or VP, FTE Coordinators? 11/21/2018
CTAE Special Pops / Intervention Programs
Students with IEPs Related special ed. services in CTAE or CTI support class CTSO => CTI CTI Students at-risk of dropping out Curriculum, 3 courses CTSO=> participation in other CTSOs CCAE/PS There are two CTAE programs that I am responsible for; Career and Technical Instruction and Coordinated Career Academic Education. I’ve outlined the major differences between the two programs here. Both are high school programs. CTI is the CTAE intervention programs for students with disabilities and CCAE is the intervention program for students at risk of dropping out of school. Students eligible for special education services through an IEP are not eligible for CCAE services. CTI support is a special education service usually delivered in the CTAE courses. Whereas the CCAE curriculum is divided among three courses. Would anyone be willing to share what they were hoping to hear in this presentation? Perhaps if it’s something I didn’t plan to talk about, I could work it in to the presentation. The remainder of this presentation is going to focus on CTI but if there is anyone here that would like more information regarding the CCAE program, I have copies of the CCAE Handbook here if would like to grab one. 11/21/2018
Special Pops/Intervention Course Numbers
32. INTERVENTION PROGRAMS Coordinated Career Academic Education I (CCAE-CCAEI) Coordinated Career Academic Education II (CCAE-CCAEII) Coordinated Career Academic Education III (CCAE-CCAEIII) Project Success I Project Success II Career Technical Instruction I Access to Career Technical Instruction I Only for students who participate in the Georgia Alternate Assessment Career Technical Instruction II Access to Career Technical Instruction II Career Technical Instruction III Access to Career Technical Instruction III Career Technical Instruction IV Access to Career Technical Instruction IV Here is the list of CTAE Intervention courses, they all start with a 32. Access courses are for students with IEPs who were place on the GAA in middle school and are in the Access track. 11/21/2018
CTI Support Services Special education related service
Consultative * Collaborative Co-teach Designed to assist students with IEPs, enrolled in CTAE, learn the curriculum and acquire employability skills that will ease their transition to their desired post-secondary outcome. CTI support can be delivered as either consultative, collaborative or co-teach depending on the students’ needs. In a nutshell, CTI support is designed to assist students with IEPs, who are also enrolled in CTAE, learn the CTAE curriculum and help them acquire employability skills that will ease their transition to their desired post-secondary outcome. 11/21/2018
Student Requirements for CTI
The student must be placed into the special education program under the requirements of IDEA. The student must be enrolled in a regular career, technical and agricultural education course. The student requires specially designed instruction to be able to participate successfully in a career, technical and agricultural education program. Only 3 requirements for a students to be eligible to receive CTI services: they need to have an IEP, be enrolled in a CTAE course, and need CTI support to be successful in CTAE. 11/21/2018
Role of a CTI Coordinator
CTI Program CTI Youth Organization-POW Provide regularly scheduled special education related services to high school students according to their IEP so they have the opportunity to successfully participate in CTAE classes and labs (including WBL) Support students by ensuring delivery of appropriate services and accommodations as they participate in CTAE programs. Serve as an liaison between special education and CTAE Help coordinate student’s course of study with short and long range career goals through an IEP Serve as an active member of the IEP committee as a CTAE expert on pathway options and transition for students with disabilities Coordinating CTAE End of Pathways Assessments for students with IEPs Modify students’ tests according to accommodations/ modifications listed on students’ IEPs Plan and implement transition planning activities (post-secondary visits, industry tours, WBL opportunities, etc.) and administer career assessments for students with IEPs Affiliation form and fee Fall Leadership State Leadership Advisor Professional Development Advise service on CTI BODs, Special Pops Advisory Board, GAVESNP, CTI Foundation Board School and Community projects Fundraising/School based Enterprises Advising of CTI State Officers Arrange and engage students with IEPs in post-secondary visits, industry tours, or work-based learning opportunities Arrange for guest speakers Cumulative Performance Reports (CPR) for DOE In CTI, just like in other CTAE areas, there is the CTAE program within the school and then there is the CTI Youth Organization. The main role of a CTI Coordinator is to provide CTI support to students in their CTAE courses and making sure CTAE teachers receive the help they need in carrying out students’ accommodation and modifications. 11/21/2018
CTI Teacher Certification
To become certified as a Career Technical Instruction (CTI) Coordinator the following are required: Hold a valid teaching certificate in the area of Special Education Attend a three week summer training* Complete a one year on-the-job internship* Evidence of administration support from both CTAE and special education At least two years teaching experience as a special education teacher is HIGHLY recommended. * Training is completed under the direction of an authorized institution. At the end of the summer training, coordinators will receive 10 Professional Learning Units (PLUs) and receive 5 PLU’s at the end of the internship. Information for certification will be sent to Professional Standards for the endorsement of Career and Technical Instruction (CTI) to be added to their teaching certificate. The year long internship is supervised by an instructor who makes two school visits, one in the Fall and one in the Spring, to provide assistance to the coordinator and the school as they work toward implementing the CTI program. The instructor also requires the CTI Coordinators to turn in a variety of monthly assignments. These are all things that the Coordinator should already be doing in order to have a successful CTI program so none of the work is “busy work”. The internship is very similar to the student teaching or practicum experience. 11/21/2018
CTI Program Delivery Models
CTI classroom CTI WBL CTI in CTAE (including reg. ed. WBL) These are the main CTI delivery models that are implemented throughout the state. Most systems utilize the CTI support services in CTAE classes which is in purple. I know it’s hard to visualize how the CTI program works in schools if you’ve never had one in your school. So I’m going to show a 6 minute clip that will help illustrate the different CTI models and give you an opportunity to hear from the students on how CTI has impacted them. Show DVD after this slide. 11/21/2018
The IEP committee must consider a continuum of placements
CTAE w/ No Support CTAE w/ CTI Support CTAE w/ CTI Course Least Restrictive => Most Restrictive WBL w/ No support WBL w/ CTI Support CTI WBL When deciding placement for students with IEPs, the IEP team must consider a continuum of placements . For instance, if there is a student with an IEP wishing to pursue WBL options, the IEP committee should first consider regular education WBL. If the IEP committee determines the students will not be successful in the regular WBL class with reasonable accommodations than the committee can consider WBL with CTI support and even CTI WBL. Just because a student with an IEP wants to participate in WBL, doesn’t mean they should automatically be placed in CTI WBL. 11/21/2018
CTI Related Course Numbers
Regular Ed. CTAE Course Numbers FTE=>Code segments meeting the requirements for consultative, collaborative and co-taught services with the PROGRAM CODES that correspond with the student’s PRIMARY AREA and with an INCLUSION CODE = ‘9’ CTAE class w/ CTI support Regular Ed. WBL course number rules FTE=>Students participating in CTAE Work-Based Learning and receiving supportive services from CTI should be reported with a CTAE PROGRAM CODE = ‘K’ and INCLUSION CODE = ‘6’ (Job Coach). The total segments reported for the work-based program shall not exceed three. Reg. Ed. WBL w/CTI support Career Technical Instruction I Career Technical Instruction II Career Technical Instruction III Career Technical Instruction IV CTI resource classroom FTE=>Report the PROGRAM CODES for the student's PRIMARY AREA for segments in an approved CTI work-based learning program . The total segments reported for the work-based program shall not exceed three. CTI WBL All of these environments with the exception of the CTI Classroom in blue, you would use the regular ed CTAE course numbers. 11/21/2018
For more information regarding FTE, please contact:
Bonnie Dye Part B Data Manager Division for Special Education Services The two slides following this one pertain to FTE and CTI. I took them straight from Bonnie Dye’s presentation that she conducted yesterday and repeated today. She’s the expert on FTE, so if you have any questions at all, she wanted me to be sure I told all of you that she is willing and wanting to help systems that need clarification on coding CTI for FTE. So please do not hesitate to contact her. 11/21/2018
CTAE/CTI POPULATION PROGRAM CODE SPECIAL NOTES / CONDITIONS Career Technical Instruction Consultative, Collaborative and Co-taught Code segments meeting the requirements for consultative, collaborative and co-taught services with the PROGRAM CODES that correspond with the student’s PRIMARY AREA and with an INCLUSION CODE = ‘9’. The CTI services must be included in the student’s IEP and the CTI must provide regularly scheduled direct instruction to the student on the day of the count If a student with disabilities is enrolled in CTAE and CTI does not provide direct instruction to the student on the day of the count, then the student should be reported with CTAE PROGRAM CODES (PROGRAM CODE = ‘K’). For CTI to receive FTE funding it must at minimum be a consultative service. All rules in special education apply to CTI. If CTI consultative services are being provided and being reported for FTI, the CTI service must be in the IEP and it has to describe the exact service and amount of time per week the student is to receive the service. As you can see in the second column, collaborative, consultative, and co-teach services are reported with a disability specific program code and an Inclusion Code of 9. This slide and the next also came straight from the FY 2012 FTE Data Collection Data Element Detail.
CTAE/CTI/WBL POPULATION PROGRAM CODE13 SPECIAL NOTES / CONDITIONS Career Technical Instruction CTAE Work-Based Learning Students participating in CTAE Work-Based Learning and receiving supportive services from CTI should be reported with a CTAE PROGRAM CODE = ‘K’ and INCLUSION CODE = ‘6’ (Job Coach) The CTI services must be included in the student’s IEP and the CTI must provide direct instruction to the student on the day of the count. If a student with disabilities is enrolled in CTAE and CTI does not provide direct instruction to the student on the day of the count, then the student should be reported with CTAE PROGRAM CODES (PROGRAM CODE = ‘K’). The total segments reported for the work-based program shall not exceed three. Career Technical Instruction - CTI Students participating in CTI Work-Based Learning should be reported with PROGRAM CODES that correspond with the student’s PRIMARY AREA. Report the PROGRAM CODES for the student's PRIMARY AREA for segments in an approved CTI work-based learning program . The total segments reported for the work-based program shall not exceed three. Students participating in CTAE Work-Based Learning and receiving CTI support should be reported with a CTAE PROGRAM CODE = ‘K’ and INCLUSION CODE = ‘6’ (Job Coach). Students participating in CTI Work-Based Learning should be reported with PROGRAM CODES that correspond with the student’s PRIMARY AREA.
What is the maximum number for CTI Caseload?
Board Rule IDDF 14 identifies maximum caseloads for disability areas but not for related service areas (such as CTI, OT, or PT). The Board Rule for caseload size does not identify a maximum caseload for related services such as CTI.
How Many Students Can the CTI Coordinator Serve Each Period?
Local boards of education not complying with maximum class size requirements shall be subject to a complete loss of funding for the entire class or program that is out of compliance. Each paraprofessional is the equivalent to 1/3 teacher and affects individual class size proportionately. Middle school and high school students served in a departmental model shall have an individual maximum class size of seven without a paraprofessional and ten with a paraprofessional, provided the number of students of any one exceptionality within the class does not exceed the individual maximum class size for that exceptionality. For additional information refer to Georgia Board of Education Rule CLASS SIZE. Schools need to comply with maximum class size requirements or could be subject to a complete loss of funding. 11/21/2018
Here is the link to the CTAE Special Pops website. Here we have links to information regarding the CCAE and CTI programs, information specifically for administrators, information regarding teacher certification, and the GPS for the three CCAE courses. 11/21/2018
THE END Tammy Botelho Caudell CTAE Program Specialist, Special Populations Website: Here is my contact information if anyone would like to get in touch with me. I would be happy to personally come out to any school that is interested in starting a CTI or CCAE program and assist them. I love visiting schools and meeting with teachers and administrators. I also have business cards here if anyone would like one. So that concludes this presentation, does anyone have any questions? Comments? 11/21/2018
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