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Nutrient Is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body.

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrient Is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 6 Essential Nutrients Why you need them, and what they do for the body

2 Nutrient Is a chemical substance in food that helps maintain the body

3 Nutrients Some nutrient supply energy
Nutrient Functions Deficiency Disease Some nutrient supply energy All nutrients help build cells and tissue They regulate bodily processes, like breathing NO single food supply all of the essential nutrients. Happens when there is a failure to meet all of your nutrient needs. Nutrients

4 The 6 Essential Nutrients
Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Vitamins Minerals Water

5 Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are the body’s chief source of energy.
Carbohydrates include: Starches Sugars Cellulose

6 Functions of Carbs They furnish the body with energy
They help the body digest fat, properly They make foods taste better They allow the body to use protein for growth and maintenance instead of energy

7 Sources of Carbohydrates
Complex Carbohydrates Simple Carbohydrates Sources of Carbohydrates

8 Fats Functions: Also is an important energy source.
Help to carry vitamins throughout the body They make food taste good and tender. Help you to feel fuller Fats

9 Saturated Have no double bonds in their chemical structure. They have a full load of hydrogen atoms. Meat and dairy products tend to be high in saturated fat. Types of Fats

10 Types of Fats (cont) Unsaturated Fat
Has atleast one double bond between two carbon atoms in each molecule. Fats from plants tend to be higher in unsaturated fat. Types of Fats (cont)

11 Trans Fat When oils are partially hydrogenated, some of the unsaturated fat in oil change their molecular shapes. Makes it act like saturated fat in the body Can often be found in processed foods made with partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. Types of Fats (cont)

12 Hydrogenation Is the process of breaking the double carbon bonds in unsaturated fatty acids and adding hydrogen. This process converts liquid oils into solid fats. This process is done to improve the keeping quality”. Oils turn rancid if they are exposed to air or stored for a long time.

13 Rancid Describes a food oil in which the fatty acid molecules have combined with oxygen. This causes them to break down, and the oil spoils. It has an unpleasant smell and taste.

14 Emulsifier Is a substance that can mix with water and fat.
Ex: adding an egg yolk to oil and vinegar that will form a mixture that will not separate. = Mayonnaise

15 HDL LDL Pick up cholesterol from around the body and through a process transfers back to the liver. “Good” Cholesterol Carries through the bloodstream to cells. “Bad” Cholesterol Cholesterol Is a white waxy lipid made by the body that is part of every cell.

16 Plaque Build-up

17 Proteins Proteins are chemical compounds found in every body cell.
They are made up of small amino acids.

18 Functions of Proteins Provide amino acids, which your body needs for growth (formation of new tissue), maintenance, and repair. They aid in the formation of enzymes, some hormones, and antibodies. Also provide energy.

19 Vitamins Vitamins are complex organic substances.
You need them in small amounts for normal growth, maintenance, and reproduction. Your body can’t produce all the vitamins it needs, so you should get them from nutritious diet.

20 Vitamins Dissolve in fats
Fat-Soluble Water Soluble Dissolve in fats They are carried by the fats in foods and can be stored in fatty tissues of the body. Over-time, can build up in the body to dangerous levels. A, D, E, K Dissolve in water The body doesn’t store them to any great extent. Excess amounts are carried out of the body through urine. Vitamins

21 Supplements These are nutrient products added to the diet.
Come in tablet, capsule, liquid, or powder forms. Don’t have to take a vitamin supplement if you get enough in your diet.

22 Minerals Make up 4% of your body weight.
They become part of your bones, tissues, and body fluids. Minerals also help regulate body processes.

23 Water The body must have water to function
People can live more they a month without food, but only a few days without water. Between 50-75% of your body weight is water.

24 Functions of Water Water aid in proper digestion and cell growth
All chemical reactions in the body rely on water Water lubricates the joints and body cells Water also aids in regulating body temperature

25 Water Requirements Eight glasses of fluid per day
- meaning liquids and the food you eat Some people need more water than others -Those who live in hotter climates - People suffering from a fever or diarrhea


27 What Influences your food choices?
Family Friends Media/Advertisement s Convenience (vending machine) Hunger Level (fast food/home cooked meal)

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