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Design Discussion: GUI Keyword Commands

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1 Design Discussion: GUI Keyword Commands
Michael Bernstein UID3 3/18/08 Work with electronic Max, Greg Little, Vikki Chou

2 Inky: Keyword Commands for the Web
Last time… Inky: Keyword Commands for the Web

3 Jourknow: Information Scrap Management
Last time… Information scraps: long tail, “short head”, one-offs Jourknow: Information Scrap Management

4 Last time… Is this information type popular for everyone? Yes No Common PIM programs meeting in Outlook, to-do in Remember the Milk “Long Tail” guitar tabs, shopping lists Homeless PIM data meeting in a note file One-offs MAC address Yes Is this information type popular for me? No But we found we were trying to do too much. We can characterize the infoscrap space as: Information scraps: long tail, “short head”, one-offs

5 Last time… Is this information type popular for everyone? Yes No Common PIM programs meeting in Outlook, to-do in Remember the Milk “Long Tail” guitar tabs, shopping lists Homeless PIM data meeting in a note file One-offs MAC address Yes Is this information type popular for me? No But we found we were trying to do too much. We can characterize the infoscrap space as: Information scraps: long tail, “short head”, one-offs Lightweight entry/access and visibility played the biggest roles here for example, having your todo list always visible and easy to annotate. Also, the freeform, uncommitted nature of scraps as a method of cognitive support for instance, if the appointment had no time chosen yet or needed to mind-map.   Finally, mobility.

6 Help the user avoid creating information scraps in the first place
Goal Help the user avoid creating information scraps in the first place by speeding up capture

7 Goal Bring the GUI back into the command language, as:
Cognitive support: What room number is Rob again? When is two weeks from Tuesday? Speed enhancements: e.g., autocomplete Window into your existing applications: what’s my schedule two weeks from tuesday? “mtg with rob miller 4/1”

8 Overview and Demo

9 Cognitive Support & Speed Enhancements

10 Windows into your existing applications

11 Windows into your existing applications

12 Discussion Question #1: How to represent the options
List style (Inky) 2-D property/value table (current iteration) (1 of 2)

13 Discussion Question #1: How to represent the options
List-dropdowns meeting with rob at 5pm calendar item rob meeting with rob at 5pm at 5pm 5am on 3/18/2008 with in to-do meeting with rob due 5pm on 3/18/2008 “Pin yin” with annotation meeting with rob at 5pm in G716 meeting with rob at 5pm in G716 title title time location location (2 of 2)

14 calendar item rob meeting with rob at 5pm at 5pm 5am on 3/18/2008 with
title time location meeting with rob at 5pm in G716

15 Design Question #2: Which contextual web pages to mine?
Google Calendar Remember the Milk Mr. B.S. Google Contacts StataMaps

16 Names Pinky (Personal INformation KEYwords) Unity Inpunity?

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