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Online Goods and Services

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1 Online Goods and Services
Lesson 1

2 Learning Outcomes LO1: Able to describe the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online rather than the high street. LO2: Be able to give examples of features of shopping online. LO3: Apply knowledge of advantages and disadvantages and features of online shopping to a scenario (exam style question).

3 Starter Make a list of all the websites where you have accounts for online shopping or any other service where you have registered with a username and/or address eg Facebook

4 Office for National Statistics- September 2013
Average weekly spending online in September was £615 million. This was an increase of 19.1% compared with September 2012. The amount spent online accounted for 10.2% of all retail spending excluding automotive fuel.  In line with recent periods, more was spent online in the non-store retailing sector than any other sector. Spending online accounted for 66.5% of total spending in this sector. n the food sector 3.4% of spending was online. This sector has the lowest proportion of online spending in relation to all spending.

5 All non food- this shows the increase on 19
All non food- this shows the increase on 19.1% (Average weekly spending online in September 2013 was £615 million. This was an increase of 19.1% compared with September 2012.) All retailing: this shows what was just quoted in that: the amount spent online accounted for 10.2% of all retail spending excluding automotive fuel.  Non- store retailing: this shows the: Spending online accounted for 66.5% of total spending in this sector.

6 Activity: In pairs (5 minutes):
Make a list of advantages of shopping online Make a list of advantages of visiting “bricks and mortar” (real) shops Independently: Complete Sheet (10 minutes) Advantages and Disadvantages of shopping online for food

7 Activity 2: Features of shopping online
Visit Spend 10 minutes browsing the website and make some notes on the following; How are different items divided? What order are the items displayed in? How can you view information about a product? Are there any special offers? Are there any other important features/facilities you can see?

8 Activity 3 Using your notes from Activity 2 complete Resource 2 and Resource 3 to give yourself a list of features of online and high street stores Compare your list with a partner to make sure you have a detailed list of features

9 Plenary: Exam Style Question
Catherine buys a dress online. Give two advantages to Catherine of buying clothes online. (2marks) Give two disadvantages to Catherine of buying clothes online. (2marks)

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