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Presentation on theme: "CLIMATE SERVICES INFORMATION SYSTEM (CSIS)"— Presentation transcript:

Reference Agenda item 4.2(3) on Climate Services Information System Maxx Dilley World Meteorological Organisation Geneva, Switzerland

2 CSIS Implementation Strategy
Developing and implementing CSIS architecture Functional descriptions and product development (Data/Monitoring/ Prediction/Projection) Operational infrastructure: GPCs, RCCs, RCOFs, NMHSs, NCOFs/NCFs Climate Services Toolkit Capacity Development

3 1- WMO annual and multi-year statements on the global climate
Assess long term climate change signals and natural modes of variability (e.g. El Niño-Southern Oscillation), addresses attribution of extreme events with several cases which contributed to high social and economic impacts in the world; UNFCCC/SBSTA-45 invited WMO to provide submissions on the state of the global climate at subsequent SBSTA sessions, as appropriate; Need to make an analysis of the value of the WMO multi-year statements and the option for their publications ( Ref. Decision 25 (EC-68), 2016); RA-II is invited to express its interest in the WMO Statements on the global climate ( annual and multi-year time scale) You’re welcome to a side event on the WMO statement on the global climate in , today at 17:30

4 2- Accelerating data rescue and collaboration on regional and international data rescue initiatives
Data rescue a priority for WMO and GFCS  Resolution 60 (Cg-17) – WMO policy for the international exchange of climate data and products to support the implementation of the GFCS, with reference to Resolution 16 (Cg-16) – Climate data requirements, deciding to accelerate data rescue worldwide; The Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) implementation plan, prioritizes large-scale data recovery and digitization, to strengthen the climate data sets with the required quantity, quality, and coverage to support the provision of climate services; WMO supports GFCS/CSIS operations through Data rescue collaboration International Data Rescue Portal I-DARE ( under CCl technical leadership) Sub-regional and inter-regional Data Rescue initiatives such as the Indian ocean rim countries and Islands initiative (INDARE) involving collaboration among RA-I, RA-II and RA-V Members Implementation of Data Rescue in D&LDC countries RA-II is requested to decide on: Endorsing the Indian Ocean rim Countries and Islands Data Rescue initiative Collaborating on I-DARE (Ref. side event on Friday 10 February by I-DARE project leader)

5 3- Implementation and Coordination of Regional Climate Centre (RCC) operations in RA-II
Four designated/recommended multi-functional RCCs are in operation in RA II: RCC Beijing (China) RCC Tokyo (Japan) RCC Moscow (Russian Federation) RCC Pune (India); recommended for designation by CBS-16 (2016) Regional Consultation on Climate Services for the Third Pole Region (Jaipur, India, 9–11 March 2016) recommended establishing an RCC-Network and a Regional Climate Outlook Forum (RCOF) focused on the special needs of the Third Pole Region EC-PHORS has been guiding the development of Polar RCC concept for the Arctic, Antarctic as well as the Third Pole Region RA V is progressing with the development of an RCC-Network for its Members in Southeast Asia Need for coordination and orchestration of RCC operations, expansion to meet new needs and collaboration with neighbouring RAs RA II-16 is invited to: Establish collaboration and coordination mechanisms for RCC operations in RA II Collectively assess the use of RCC products and services by Members Support the development of Arctic Polar RCC-Network in collaboration with RA IV and RA VI Endorse the development of an RCC-Network for the Third Pole Region Endorse the development of an RCC-Network jointly with RA V, for Members of Southeast Asia in both RA II and RA V

6 Thank you


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