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REVIEW Draw an Inflationary Gap with your fingers.

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW Draw an Inflationary Gap with your fingers."— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW Draw an Inflationary Gap with your fingers. Draw a Recessionary Gap with your fingers. What are the four types of Unemployment? What is NRU? 4 Components of AD. Draw a Philipp's Curve with your nose. Name the three tools of the FED. What is Consumer Price Index? What is a Trade Surplus? Name 5 Baseball Teams.

2 Unit 5: International Trade and Foreign Exchange

3 Balance of Trade vs. Balance of Payments

4 Balance of Trade Net Exports (XN) = Exports – Imports
Trade Surplus = Exporting more than is imported Trade Deficit (aka. trade gap) = Exporting less than is imported

5 Balance of Trade

6 Balance of Payments (BOP)
Balance of trade includes only goods and service but balance of payments considers ALL international transactions. Balance of Payments (BOP)- Summary of a country’s international trade. The BOP summary is within a given year Prepared in the domestic country’s currency Ex. If accounting the BOP of the U.S. it would be in the Dollar. The balance of payments is made up of two accounts. The current account and the financial account.

7 Which countries have the highest account surpluses and account deficits?

8 Current Account The Current Account is made up of three parts:
Trades in Goods and Services (Net Exports)- Difference between a nation’s exports of goods and services and its imports of goods and services Ex: Toys imported from China, US cars exported to Mexico Investment Income- income from the factors of production including payments made to foreign investors. Ex: Money earned by Japanese car producers in the US Net Transfers- Money flows from the private or public sectors Ex: donations, aids and grants, official assistance, and remittance

9 Financial (Capital) Account
The Financial Account measures the purchase and sale of financial assets abroad. Purchases of things that continue to earn money Examples: A Korean company buys a factory in Ohio An American buys a Japanese government bond When a foreign company buys business in a different country that is Foreign Direct Investment Net Capital Outflow- The difference between the purchase of foreign assets and domestic assets purchased by foreigners Financial Account Surplus = Inflow > Outflow Financial Account Deficit = Inflow < Outflow

10 If a country has a deficit in the current account, they must have a surplus in the financial account

11 Current or Financial Account?
Identify if the examples are counted in the current or capital account and determine if it is a credit or debit for the US. Bill, an American, invests $20 million in a ski resort in Canada A Korean company sells vests to the US Military A US company, Boeing, sells twenty 747s to France A Chinese company buys a shopping mall in San Diego An illegal immigrant living in the US sends a portion of his earning to his family in Bora Bora A German investor buys $50,000 US Treasury Bonds Italian tourists spend 5 million in the US while American tourists spend 8 million in Italy.

12 Current or Financial Account?
Identify if the examples are counted in the current or capital account and determine if it is a credit or debit for the US. Financial Account (financial asset), Debit Current Account (trade of goods/services), Debit Current Account (trade of goods/services), Credit Financial Account (financial asset), Credit Current Account (net transfer), Debit

13 Practice 1. U.S. income increase relative to other countries. Does the balance of payments move toward a deficit or a surplus? U.S. citizens have more disposable income Americans import more Net exports (Xn) decrease The current account balance decreases and moves toward a deficit. 2. If the U.S. dollar depreciates relative to other countries does the balance of payments move toward a deficit or a surplus? U.S. exports become more desirable America exports more Net exports (Xn) increase The current account balance increases and moves toward a surplus.


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