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ISM-Carolinas/Virginia Triad Chapter

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Presentation on theme: "ISM-Carolinas/Virginia Triad Chapter"— Presentation transcript:

1 ISM-Carolinas/Virginia Triad Chapter
Kernersville, NC September 20, 2011 Presented by: Jackie LaJoie, Vice President Carolinas Minority Supplier Development Council

2 Today We Will Talk About …
Carolinas Minority Supplier Development Council – who we are The business case for Supplier Diversity 5 levels of Supplier Diversity programs Best practices for a World Class program The life of a Procurement professional Procurement approaches for inclusion Fun time – True or False?

3 About CMSDC CMSDC promotes and facilitates business relationships between the public/private sector and certified minority-owned businesses. Asian Indian American Asian-Pacific American Black American or African-American Hispanic American American Indian 170 Corporate Members Local 3,600 Corporate Members Nationally 450 Minority Businesses Local 15,000 Certified Minority Businesses Nationally NMSDC Started 30 plus years ago as a Corporate response to a social issue 37 affiliates - part of a National organization Represent NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that minorities, both arriving from abroad and born here in the United States, will account for nearly 90 percent of the total growth in the U.S. population from 1995 to 2050. Asian Indian American Asian-Pacific American Black American or African-American Hispanic American American Indian The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that minorities, both arriving from abroad and born here in the US, will account for nearly 90 percent of the total growth in the U.S. population from 1995 to 2050. The ethnic-owned business growth rate is over 30% where as all others are 7%. Minorities represent 28% of US population 15% of the total businesses 3% of gross receipts 4% of total corporate purchase spend 11/21/2018

4 Our Focus Drive sustainable value for corporate/public sector members through an integrated and innovated delivery approach, centered on… Certifying qualified and capable MBE suppliers Building / strengthening supplier capacity Building / strengthening supplier diversity programs Increasing the supplier diversity business case discussion and value proposition within the community

5 Frame Your Business Case
Support Government contracts - $XB Support Commercial contracts - $XB Build brand loyalty & brand visibility Reduce costs / Increase revenue / leverage innovation Demographic shift – 107+ million minorities in U.S. today Support wealth creation in the communities in which we do business

6 Internal Quick Review Example
Business Case Build brand loyalty & brand visibility Reduce costs / Increase revenue / leverage innovation Demographic shift – 107+ million minorities in U.S. today Support wealth creation in the communities in which we do business Support Commercial contracts - ~$XB Support Government contracts - ~$XB combined companies Use to notate good/bad, etc. 2010 Program Focus Stakeholder Support Increase Diversity % / $ Increase 2nd Tier Results Increase Internal Awareness & Support Mentor Program w/ Division Support Government Requirements – Small Business Categories External Outreach Globalization of Program Active sponsorship of Program Drive ownership and accountability throughout enterprise Create inclusive sourcing strategies that result in diverse business growth and support government requirements with small businesses

7 Where Are You? Ralph G. Moore & Assoc. Scale 5 Levels to World Class 7
Beginning Program Level 2 Basic Program Level 3 Traditional Program Level 4 Advanced Process Level 5 Best in Class Process A “contact person” to answer phone calls No Tracking System No Materials No Trade Fairs No Budget No Outreach Part-time diversity business coordinator Program Brochure Subcontracting Plans Limited Trade Fair Participation Compliance Driven No Ownership Visible Program Manager Some Program Collateral Materials Limited Program Tracking Local/National Diversity Business Organization Memberships Little Senior Management Involvement Outside Core Strategy Program Director Internal and External Identity Packages Measurement by business unit Diverse Vendors company-wide Involved Senior Management Tied to Procurement Objectives Program Director Communications Plan Measurement of revenue contribution Mission critical joint ventures and strategic alliances Senior Management Leadership Tied to performance Objectives company-wide Where Are You? 7 7

8 NMSDC Best Practices Establish Corporate Policy and top corporate management support. 2. Develop a corporate minority supplier development plan 3. Establish comprehensive internal and external communications 4. Identify opportunities for MBEs in strategic sourcing and supply chain management 5. Establish comprehensive minority supplier development process 6. Establish tracking, reporting and goal-setting mechanisms 7. Establish a continuous improvement plan 8. Establish a second tier program

9 A Procurement Professional’s Life
Heavy workload – often 20 or more projects at the same time Fast paced environment – your customer wants it NOW! Process / policy driven Often your time is eaten up by fixing what someone else broke Task forces, committees, teams, meetings, etc. compete for your time How can you possibly take on Supplier Diversity with all that on your plate?

10 Let’s Consider… Do opportunities exist in these areas of
Professional Services Facilities Management Direct Materials Research Marketing Printing Construction Do opportunities exist in these areas of Procurement???

11 Fact or Fiction Minority suppliers always cost more? (Fiction – MBEs can be as competitive and responsive as a large supplier and a small business has lower overhead which means savings passed on to the customer.) I don’t have time to hunt a minority owned business to include in my RFPs. (Maybe but CMSDC can help) I buy proprietary professional services and there are no MBEs who can compete. (Perhaps but you can design MBEs into the workflow. Think about carve-outs by geographic area, or product/service area.) During negotiations, my prime supplier responded “N/A” in the Supplier Diversity requirements section. There’s nothing I can do. (Fiction – first weight this requirement in the RFP, make it clear that this is a requirement just like service, quality, etc. Push back!!)

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