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SPI.0507.10.2 Heat.

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Presentation on theme: "SPI.0507.10.2 Heat."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPI Heat

2 Learning Target I can determine the method by which heat energy is transferred from one object or material to another.

3 What is heat?? Energy that flows between objects due to a difference in temperature, heat moves from an object with a high (warmer) temperature to an object with a lower (cooler) temperature. Heat will continue to flow until both have the same temperature.

4 What is the difference between heat & temperature?
Temperature measures the average kinetic energy (thermal energy) of particles. Heat is the total amount of thermal energy an object releases.

5 How does heat travel? Heat is transmitted or transferred through conduction, convection, and radiation.

6 Conduction The passing of heat (warmer to cooler) through a material, while the material itself stays in place. Objects are touching.


8 Convection The flow of thermal energy through a liquid or gas, caused by hot parts rising and cool parts sinking. As hot and cool parts of the liquid move, they cause rotating currents (convection currents).


10 Radiation The transfer of energy through electromagnetic rays, radiation/electromagnetic rays travel through space (Sun warms the earth).




14 What is thermal conductivity?
The ability of a material to transfer heat. If a material conducts heat easily, we say it is a good thermal conductor. If a material conducts heat poorly, we say it is a good thermal insulator.


16 1.) The hot coils touch the toast and it uses infrared radiation.

17 2.) Hot air rises and cooler parts sink.

18 3.) The iron results in wrinkle free clothes.

19 4.) Fire heating those standing close.

20 5.) Heater: The room is really warm close to the ceiling because of _____?

21 6.) The sun heats the boys back.

22 7.) The thermal energy travels through empty space to cook the hot dogs.

23 8.) You take the cake out of the oven and burn your hand on the pan.

24 9.) Coffee is warm throughout.

25 10.) The curling iron curls the girl’s hair.

26 11.) Ac duct: the air is circulating.

27 Popping Popcorn An Air Popcorn Popper uses Convection to pop kernels. When you pop popcorn on the stove, you use conduction to pop kernels. In a microwave, you use radiation to pop kernels.

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