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Class 3 Curriculum Meeting Welcome to Year 3!

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1 Class 3 Curriculum Meeting Welcome to Year 3!
Luke being a Spartan boy soldier




5 Term 1 – Gods and Mortals (Ancient Greece) Term 2 – Mighty Metals
List of Topics for Year 3 Term 1 – Gods and Mortals (Ancient Greece) Term 2 – Mighty Metals Term 3 – Pharaohs (Ancient Egypt) Term 4 – Blue Abyss (Life under the sea) Term 5 – Tremors (Earthquakes, volcanoes and Tsunamis) Term 6 - Predators If anyone has any skills or knowledge about any of these topics it would be great if you could help out at any point (just let us know!).

6 Homework for Year 3 Spellings – given out every Tuesday and checked a week later. Topic – To make a Pandora’s Box – details to follow. Please save a shoe box or similar. Numeracy – A problem to be given out every Friday and handed back on a Tuesday. A maths game to be given out every Wednesday to play at home.

7 Mon Mrs Hester Tues Wed Mrs LD Thurs Friday 8:45 – 9:00 Activity 9:00 – 9:30 Act of Worship Personal, Health and Social Education 9:30-10:30 Numeracy PE 11:00 – 12:30 SPAG Literacy Spelling Flute group on a rota basis 1:30 – 2:30 Creative Curriculum Spanish 2:30-3:30 RE Board Games/Puzzles and Circle Time Homework Spellings Maths game to be played at home over the next week Numeracy 20 minutes for marking on Tuesday



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