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Main Goals Improve communication between houses, IFC, and facilities Define and uphold community responsibilities Create new programs to benefit the Greek.

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Presentation on theme: "Main Goals Improve communication between houses, IFC, and facilities Define and uphold community responsibilities Create new programs to benefit the Greek."— Presentation transcript:


2 Main Goals Improve communication between houses, IFC, and facilities Define and uphold community responsibilities Create new programs to benefit the Greek Community

3 Sub-Divisions Break down Greek area into more manageable sub- divisions Representatives for each sub-division (Zone Representative.) Communication flow chart: Facilities/ Allied Waste Greek Neighborhood Association Zone Rep 2 Zone Rep 3 Zone Rep 4 Zone Rep 5 Zone Rep 6 Zone Rep 7 Zone Rep 1 House Manager

4 7 5 2 3 4 6 1

5 Zone Rep Responsibilities Required attendance at monthly GNA meetings Take care of minor issues within respectful zone Take major issues to Greek Affairs

6 GNA Communication GNA Monthly Meetings Once a month forum to discuss community issues and projects Zone Reps will be required to attend House Managers attendance not obligatory Chance to bring house issues to light Vote on community projects Provide updates and information Gain input on various projects

7 GNA Communication GNA Email list An email list will be set up for zone reps and house managers Expand on current House Managers list Not meant for complaining but for increasing Greek communication and delegation of responsibility

8 Greek Recycling Program Program Overview

9 Pilot Program Zone 1:,,, FIJI,,, and Fall semester: August 20 th to December 13 th Aluminum cans and mixed office paper

10 Area Map: Zone 1 Central Recycling Location

11 Program Details In-house containers for recycling Central recycling location in each zone Bring in-house recyclables to central location just like trash Collection from central location will be twice a week; Monday/Thursday

12 Individual Containers ClearStream Container 44 Gal. Round Container Tall Desk Side Container

13 Program Details Need successful participation from every house in a zone to expand Once contracts have been signed; construction on central location will begin Program will begin at the start of the next semester


15 Incentives Zone sponsored community gift. Funds generated from aluminum recycling will purchase gift such as park bench, tree, etc. for campus Possible philanthropy and dean dull points for participation Possible competition between zones with awards

16 Sponsorship Facilities provided containers for pilot program; Not for entire program though Sponsorship will provide containers for full-scale program May provide funds for endowments or other incentives

17 What Next? Work with GNA and houses in your Zone to raise awareness and fulfill participation Begin recycling in the spring

18 House Manager Guide & Best Practices

19 Important Contacts

20 House Manager Guide Section 1 - Introduction to the HMG Section 2 - Facility Management Section 3 - Safety & Risk Management Section 4 - Facility Projects & Tasks Section 5 - Resources

21 Facility Management Public Relations Facility Maintenance Facility Self Inspection Form Waste Management Guidelines Closing the Chapter house Checklist

22 Safety & Risk Management General Safety Suggestions Fire Safety Home Security Emergency Notification Procedures Evacuation Procedures Hazardous Waste Kitchen Safety

23 Facility Projects & Tasks Emergency Preparedness Fire Inspection Information Fire Safety Contacts


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