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Unsent Letter Night Test.

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1 Unsent Letter Night Test

2 Unsent Letter Assume the persona of one character in Night and write a letter that your character might have written to another character in book. Your letter should accurately reflect the character’s feelings, fears, motives, personality, and so on; it should also consider the audience. Your letter should be at least 300 words, and your letter should be typed. This assignment is worth 50 points in the tests/essays section of your grade. Take this assignment seriously.

3 Unsent Letter •Shlomo (Elie’s father)
There are many possibilities for your letter. Consider the following characters as you write your letter: •Elie •Shlomo (Elie’s father) •Elie’s mother (we never learn her name) •Hilda, Béa, and Tzipora (Elie’s sisters) •Madame Schächter (the woman who scream “Fire!” in the cattle cars) •Idek (Elie’s Kapo) •Juliek (the violinist) •Stein (a fellow prisoner from Buna and a family friend to the Wiesels; Elie lies to Stein, telling him that his family is still alive) Akiba Drumer (the prisoner who gradually loses his faith in God, and gives up for the selection) Rabbi Eliahou •God These are a just a few of the many options you can consider for your unsent letter.

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