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Week 9 SAT Words.

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1 Week 9 SAT Words

2 Alacrity (n): eagerness, speed
The young man moved with alacrity towards the attractive sophomore leaning against her locker.

3 Boon (n): a gift or blessing
It was a real boon for Allen’s pocketbook when he found the coins on the floor of the junior hallway.

4 Clemency (n): mercy After forgetting their anniversary, Kyle could only beg Amanda for clemency. She did not offer it.

5 Vex (v): to confuse or annoy
Makayla continually vexes Kyle with her clinginess; she refuses to release his leg until he performs an interpretive dance with feathers. (You’d be surprised by his talent.)

6 Turpitude (n): depravity, moral corruption
The utter and complete turpitude that occurs in the hallways between classes would shock most parents.

7 Surfeit (n): an overabundant supply or indulgence
After partaking of the surfeit of tacos and tamales at “Paco’s Taco Stand,” Jessie felt rather ill, and only found one way to relieve his pain.

8 Ribald (adj): coarsely, crudely humorous
Though most of his friends were disgusted by Jacob’s ribald joke, it surprised no one that Shawn laughed heartily.

9 Pulchritude (n): physical beauty
With the presence of such male pulchritude in their midst, it is a wonder that the young women of this class can control themselves.

10 Languid (adj): sluggish from fatigue or weakness
Students become remarkably languid towards the end of the school year, as the work continues and the weather gets nicer and nicer.

11 Enumerate (v): to name one by one
It isn’t hard to enumerate the reasons why this picture is a little strange.

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