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American Revolution Important People & Groups.

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1 American Revolution Important People & Groups

2 George Washington Commander of the Continental Army during the American Revolution Eventually chosen as the first President of the United States of America © Erin Kathryn 2014

3 Paul Revere Rode from Boston to Lexington with William Dawes to warn Patriots that the British were headed to fight Engraved the misleading propaganda on the Boston Massacre © Erin Kathryn 2014

4 Benjamin Franklin Was a printer, writer, publisher, scientist, and inventor Was an ambassador who convinced France to become an ally to America during in the fight for independence from Britain © Erin Kathryn 2014

5 Thomas Jefferson Drafted the Declaration of Independence
Eventually becomes the 3rd President of the Untied States © Erin Kathryn 2014

6 Benedict Arnold General in the American Revolution
Was accused of treason after turning into a spy for the British Known as a traitor to America © Erin Kathryn 2014

7 Patrick Henry Revolutionary leader
Known for making an angry speech against the Stamp Act Was quoted for saying “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!” © Erin Kathryn 2014

8 John Adams Revolutionary leader
Helped urge Congress to declare independence during the Revolution Eventually becomes the 2nd President of the United States © Erin Kathryn 2014

9 King George III King of England
Supported British policies, such as taxing colonists, that led to the American Revolution © Erin Kathryn 2014

10 Samuel Adams Leader of the Sons of Liberty in Boston
Organized protests against taxes Signed the Declaration of Independence © Erin Kathryn 2014

11 Thomas Paine Wrote a pamphlet, Common Sense, urging colonists to declare independence from Britain © Erin Kathryn 2014

12 Crispus Attucks An African American sailor
Was one of the five colonists killed at the Boston Massacre © Erin Kathryn 2014

13 Lord North British Prime Minister
Lead the British Parliament during the American Revolution Enacted many of the taxes imposed on the colonists, such as the Stamp Act and Tea Act © Erin Kathryn 2014

14 John Hancock President of the Continental Congress
First signer of the Declaration of Independence © Erin Kathryn 2014

15 John Paul Jones Officer and Captain of the Continental Navy
He attached the British warship “Serapis” Known for his famous statement, “I have not yet begun to fight”. Remembered as the Father of the American Navy © Erin Kathryn 2014

16 Francis Marion Known as the “Swamp Fox”
He led numerous raids to keep the British from gaining momentum © Erin Kathryn 2014

17 Abigail Adams Patriot during the American Revolution
Wife of John Adams Wrote letters to John Adams, often giving him advice during the American Revolution © Erin Kathryn 2014

18 Charles Cornwallis British general in Revolutionary War
Surrendered to Americans during the Battle of Yorktown © Erin Kathryn 2014

19 Nathan Hale 21 year old Patriot spy during the Revolutionary War
Was caught by the British and hanged Known for the famous quote, “I only regret that I have but one live to lose for my country”. © Erin Kathryn 2014

20 Baron von Steuben Prussian soldier
Helped provide training and discipline to American soldiers during the winter at Valley Forge © Erin Kathryn 2014

21 Continental Army Soldiers who fought against the British Army led by George Washington © Erin Kathryn 2014

22 Sons of Liberty A secret group of colonists who protested against British rule © Erin Kathryn 2014

23 Hessians A group of German soldiers who were hired by the British to give their army strength, like hired mercenaries © Erin Kathryn 2014

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