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I CAN.. Identify important arguments for independence made in Thomas Paine's Common Sense Explain why these arguments helped persuade American colonists.

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Presentation on theme: "I CAN.. Identify important arguments for independence made in Thomas Paine's Common Sense Explain why these arguments helped persuade American colonists."— Presentation transcript:

1 I CAN.. Identify important arguments for independence made in Thomas Paine's Common Sense Explain why these arguments helped persuade American colonists that independence was necessary.

2 What are the main ideas of Thomas Paine's Common Sense?
Essential Questions: What are the main ideas of Thomas Paine's Common Sense? How did Common Sense influence the 13 colonies?

3 Station Notes Directions:
You will be assigned a card with a designated color. The color will indicate what station you will start at. 5 mins at each station. When the timer goes off, rotate clock wise.

4 Common Sense Is Published
In early 1776, most Americans still wanted to avoid a final break with Britain. However, the publication of a pamphlet titled Common Sense helped convince many Americans that a complete break with Britain was necessary. Written by Thomas Paine, this pamphlet made a strong case for American independence.

5 What was “Common Sense?”
Revolutionary war pamphlet English, 48 pages First published anonymously January 10, 1776 Sold 500,000 copies in first year & 25 editions Precursor to the Declaration of Independence, which was written six months later

6 Thomas Paine

7 “I offer nothing more than simple facts, plain arguments, and common sense,” Argued strongly for COMPLETE American Independence, not just freedom from British taxation

8 Thomas Paine – Common Sense
Paine ridiculed the idea that kings ruled by the will of God. Calling George III “the Royal Brute,” Paine argued that all monarchies were corrupt. He also disagreed with the economic arguments for remaining with Britain.

9 How did Common Sense succeed in inspiring so much revolutionary feeling?
Used forceful everyday language, influencing workers to attack the idea that the British King should rule the American Colonies American independence would be a victory for humans everywhere

10 How did Common Sense succeed in inspiring so much revolutionary feeling?
Words convinced many Americans that the cause of independence was a just one Played a central role in rallying public opinion; convinced many who were unsure of the purpose of the war

11 Paine’s PAIN: It was absurd for an island (Britain) to rule a continent (North America). America was not a British nation Britain the "mother country" should take better care of it’s ‘child’, the colonies. Being a part of Britain would drag America into unnecessary European wars.

12 Paine’s PAIN. Continued..
The distance Puritans believed that God wanted to give them a safe haven from the persecution of British rule. Britain ruled the colonies for its own benefit, and would not let the colonies have a say

13 Common Sense = Successful!!
Common Sense was an instant success. Published in January, it sold more than 100,000 copies in three months.

14 Directions: Write down 3 facts Thomas Paine Video

15 Check Point – Answer on your own!
Directions: Press Play & Write down 3 facts (Thomas Paine Video) Check Point – Answer on your own! What point does Thomas Paine make in Common Sense? What impact did Paine’s pamphlet have on the colonies?

16 The Declaration Is Adopted
On July 4, 1776, Congress adopted the document that proclaimed independence—the Declaration of Independence. John Hancock, the president of the Congress, was the first to sign the Declaration.

17 The Declaration of Independence
This idea is that people have unalienable rights, or rights that government cannot take away. If a government disregards these rights, it loses its rights to govern. The people then have the right to abolish that government, by force if necessary.

18 Check Point - Answer on your own!
When does the Declaration say it is right to overthrow an established government?

19 Think-Pair-Share Answer
When does the Declaration say it is right to overthrow an established government? Answer: People can abolish a government when it disregards their rights.

20 Exit Ticket What are the main ideas of Thomas Paine's Common Sense?
How did Common Sense influence the 13 colonies?

21 Directions Read “Thomas Paine and Common Sense” and answer the questions on the back This will count as a classwork grade You have 10 minutes We will share back for table points!!

22 Declaration of Independence Video

23 Why did some colonists support England and oppose independence?
By 1775, the movement towards independence had gained traction. Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense,” which put forth the arguments for independence, was published in January 1776 and sold as many as 120,000 copies in the first three months, 500,000 in the first year, and went through twenty-five editions in the first year alone. However, as many as 15-20% of colonists remained loyal to the English King and opposed to independence.

24 Loyalists As many as 15-20% of colonists remained loyal to the English King and opposed to independence. Loyalists were often wealthier people, merchants, or people active in the Anglican Church. There were also concentrations of Loyalists in certain areas, such as New York and Long Island. Massachusetts was NOT Loyalist territory. Many consider it to be the heart of the Revolution.

25 Discussion for table points!!
Why might some colonists have remained loyal to England?

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