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#31 Chapter 18 Section 1 Notes Part B.

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1 #31 Chapter 18 Section 1 Notes Part B

2 V. Cold War in Europe Definition of Cold War: state of hostility, without direct military conflict between the U.S. and USSR after WWII ( )

3 VI. Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine: U.S. policy of sending military & economic aid (400M)to any country trying to prevent a Communist takeover. Part of the U.S. Containment Policy.

4 VII. The Marshall Plan 1947, Secretary of State George Marshall proposes economic aid (13B) to nations in need. Goal: Help rebuild Western European countries so they do not fall to Communism and new to create new markets for trade. Marshall Plan revives 16 nations.

5 VIII. Berlin Airlift 1948, Stalin closes highway, rail routes into West Berlin. Stalin’s actions were a response to efforts from the West to reunify Germany. Berlin Airlift--- Britain, U.S. fly food, supplies into West Berlin. 1949, Stalin lifts blockade; further escalation is avoided.

6 IX. NATO 1949, fear of the Soviet Union leads to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). European nations, U.S., Canada pledge mutual military support.

7 #31 Double Bubble Map Create a double bubble map that compares and contrasts the Marshall Plan and Truman Doctrine. Your double bubble map should include how the two policies are different, as well as how they are similar. Each section of your double bubble map must have a minimum of 3 facts.


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