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Principles and Applications of Backward-in-Time Modeling of Contaminants in the Environment Roseanna M. Neupauer Department of Civil, Environmental, and.

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1 Principles and Applications of Backward-in-Time Modeling of Contaminants in the Environment
Roseanna M. Neupauer Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering University of Colorado March 26, 2008

2 Motivation Source Characterization
TCE is observed in wells Where did it come from? When was it released? Flow direction How much TCE was released? (Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation)

3 Motivation Capture Zone Delineation
Water supply wells Where does their water come from?

4 Motivation Aquifer Vulnerability
How sensitive is the pesticide concentration here … … to a pesticide application here? … or here? … or here? … or here? © Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

5 Motivation Groundwater Age Simulations
Water sampled in well When did the water recharge the aquifer? (Stoner et al., 1997)

6 Motivation Remediation Prioritization
Abandoned Mines Which mine contributes the most contamination to the water bodies? How long does it take for the mine contamination to reach the water bodies? (Ryan and Reynolds, 2003)

7 Forward Modeling vs. Backward Modeling
Where is the contamination going? Where did the contamination come from? Flow direction

8 Forward Modeling vs. Backward Modeling
Information is known (or assumed to be known) about the source Information is known about the present state of contamination Flow direction

9 Forward Modeling vs. Backward Modeling
One or a few sources Many possible receptors Many possible sources One or a few receptors Flow direction

10 Forward Modeling vs. Backward Modeling
Models transport from the source to the receptors Models transport from the receptor to the possible sources Flow direction

11 Forward Modeling vs. Backward Modeling
Concentrations Probability density function Flow direction

12 Forward Contaminant Transport
= - (vqC) (q D ÑC ) Ñ - lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq Co(x) =(M/q)d(x-xo) Contour interval: C = 0.1 g/m3 C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume

13 Forward Location PDF, fX(x;t)
= - (vqC) (q D ÑC ) Ñ - lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq Co(x) =(M/q)d(x-xo) Contour interval: C = 0.1 g/m3; fX = 1 x 10-5 m-2 C(x,t) dC(x) fX(x;t)= q = q(x) M dM(xo)

14 Forward Location PDF, fX(x;t)
Co(x) =(M/q)d(x-xo) xo xw Contour interval: C = 0.1 g/m3; fX = 1 x 10-5 m-2 dC(x) Sensitivity of concentration, C, at any X to source mass, M, at xo fX(x;t) = q(x) dM(xo)

15 Backward Location PDF, fX(x;t)
fo(x) =d(x-xo) xw dC(xw) fX(x;t) = q(x) dM(x)

16 Backward Location PDF, fX(x;t)
fo(x) =d(x-xo) xw dC(xw) Sensitivity of concentration, C, at xw to source mass, M, at any X fX(x;t) = q(x) dM(x)

17 Backward Travel Time PDF and CDF
5 x 10-5 8.64 0.36 5.78 0.24 PDF fT (d-1) CDF FT (-) 2.88 0.12 dCf(xw) Sensitivity of flux concentration, Cf, to source mass, M fT(t;x) = Q(x) dM(x)

18 Forward and Backward Models
dM(xo) fX(x;t)= dC(x) q(x) Forward Equation C t Rq = Ñ (q D ÑC ) - Ñ (vqC) - lqC + qI CI - qoC dM(x) fX(x;t)= dC(xw) q(x) Backward (Adjoint) Equation  y t ¶h ¶C Rq + = Ñ ( qD Ñy ) Ñ (v q y) - lqy - qI y + C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume y = adjoint state (sensitivity) t = backward time

19 Forward and Backward Models
Forward Equation C t Rq Ñ (q D ÑC ) - = Ñ (vqC) - lqC + qI CI - qoC Backward (Adjoint) Equation  y t ¶h ¶C Rq = Ñ ( qD Ñy ) + Ñ (v q y) - lqy - qI y + C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume y = adjoint state (sensitivity) t = backward time

20 Forward and Backward Models
Forward Equation C t Rq Ñ (q D ÑC ) - = Ñ (vqC) - lqC + qI CI - qoC Backward (Adjoint) Equation  y t ¶h ¶C Rq = Ñ ( qD Ñy ) + Ñ (v q y) - lqy - qI y + C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume y = adjoint state (sensitivity) t = backward time

21 Forward and Backward Models
Forward Equation C t Rq Ñ (q D ÑC ) - = Ñ (vqC) - lqC + qI CI - qoC Backward (Adjoint) Equation  y t ¶h ¶C Rq = Ñ ( qD Ñy ) + Ñ (v q y) - lqy - qI y + C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume y = adjoint state (sensitivity) t = backward time

22 Forward and Backward Models
Forward Equation C t Rq Ñ (q D ÑC ) - = Ñ (vqC) - lqC + qI CI - qoC Backward (Adjoint) Equation  y t ¶h ¶C Rq = Ñ ( qD Ñy ) + Ñ (v q y) - lqy - qI y + C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume y = adjoint state (sensitivity) t = backward time

23 Forward and Backward Models
Forward Equation C t Rq Ñ (q D ÑC ) - = Ñ (vqC) - lqC + qI CI - qoC Backward (Adjoint) Equation  y t ¶h ¶C Rq Ñ ( qD Ñy ) + = Ñ (v q y) - lqy - qI y + Location PDF dM(x) dC(xw,t) dCf(xw,t) y = h = C(x,t) d(x-xw) d(t) fX(x;t) =q(x)y(x,t) Travel Time PDF fT(t;x) =|Q(x)|y(x,t) Cf(x,t) d(x-xw) d(t) h =

24 Applications of Backward-in-Time Modeling
Source characterization (location, release time): Unconditioned location and travel time PDFs Conditioned location and travel time PDFs Capture zone delineation: travel time CDF Groundwater age dating: travel time CDF Remediation Prioritization: Marginal sensitivity of concentration to source mass Travel time CDF

25 Source Location Identification (MMR TCE Plume; 1997 5 mg/L contour)
1 scale in km 3 4 Scale in miles C = 58 mg/L C = mg/L C = 150 mg/L 2 C = 5110 mg/L Model provided by Chunmiao Zheng; data provided by Jacobs Engineering Group Model provided by Chunmiao Zheng; data provided by Jacobs Engineering Group

26 Backward Governing Equation
 y t = + (v q y) ( qD Ñy ) Ñ - lqy - qI y + Rq ¶h ¶C Location PDF h = C(x,t) d(x-xw) d(t) fX(x;t) =q(x)y(x,t) One simulation for each observation

27 Backward Location PDF for 1962 (Neupauer and Wilson, 2005)
Sample Location Contour Interval: 2 x 10-7 m-2 1 scale in km Contour: 2 x 10-7 m-2 1 scale in km 3 4 C = 58 mg/L C = mg/L C = 150 mg/L 2 C = 5110 mg/L

28 Backward Location PDF for 1962 (Neupauer and Wilson, 2005)
1 scale in km 3 4 C = 58 mg/L C = mg/L C = 150 mg/L 2 C = 5110 mg/L Contour Interval: 2 x 10-7 m-2 Sample Location 1 scale in km Contour: 2 x 10-7 m-2 Multiple-detection Location PDF Contour Interval: 2 x 10-6 m-2

29 Conditioned Location PDF (Neupauer and Lin, 2006)
4 3 Contour Interval: 2 x 10-7 m-2 Sample Location 1 scale in km Contour: 2 x 10-7 m-2 Conditioned Location PDF Contour Interval: 2 x 10-6 m-2

30 Backward Governing Equation
 y t = + (v q y) ( qD Ñy ) Ñ - lqy - qI y + Rq ¶h ¶C Travel Time PDF h = Cf(x,t) d(x-xw) d(t) fT(t;x) =Q(x)y(x,t) One simulation for each observation

31 Backward Travel Time PDFs
1 3 4 2 T

32 Capture Zone Delineation
Reinjection Well Extraction Well Infiltration Trench TCE Plume Plume boundary: 5 mg/L Scale in km Groundwater Remediation System Massachusetts Military Reservation (model provided by Chunmiao Zheng)

33 Backward Governing Equation
 y t = + (v q y) ( qD Ñy ) Ñ - lqy - qI y + Rq ¶h ¶C Travel Time PDF h = Cf(x,t) d(x-xw) d(t) Travel Time CDF h = Cf(x,t) d(x-xw) FT(t;x) =|Q(x)|y(x,t)

34 Capture Zone Delineation (Neupauer and Wilson, 2004)
Groundwater Remediation System Massachusetts Military Reservation (model provided by Chunmiao Zheng) 10-yr probabilistic capture zone Groundwater Remediation System Massachusetts Military Reservation TCE Plume Infiltration Trench Extraction Well Reinjection Well Scale in km Plume boundary: 5 mg/L

35 Groundwater Age Dating (Weissmann et al. 2002)
10 5 km

36 Prioritizing Remediation Activities
Warden Gulch

37 Which mine is the major source?
 y t = + (v q y) ( qD Ñy ) Ñ - lqy - qI y + Rq ¶h ¶C Marginal Sensitivity h = C (x,t) d(x-xw) d(t) dC(t)|stream y(x,t) = dM

38 Model Domain and Flow Field
Warden Gulch Head contours: 2-m interval m Hypothetical mine sites Sampling sites

39 Marginal sensitivity dC(t)|stream y(x,t) = dM Conservative solute
t=50 yr t=125 yr dC(t)|stream y(x,t) = dM Conservative solute Contour intervals: 10-11,10-10,…10-7 m-3 t=50 yr t=125 yr Strontium, R=151

40 When will remediation have an impact?
 y t = + (v q y) ( qD Ñy ) Ñ - lqy - qI y + Rq ¶h ¶C Travel Time CDF, Solute Age Distribution h = Cf(x,t) |at stream FT(x,t) =|Q(x)|y(x,t)

41 Solute Age Distribution
t=50 yr t=125 yr Contour intervals: 10-4,10-3,10-2,10-1,0.95 t=50 yr t=125 yr t=250 yr t=500 yr t=250 yr t=500 yr Conservative solute Strontium, R=151

42 Summary Backward-in-time modeling:
is useful if information is known about where contamination is now, and information is desired about where contamination was in the past produces probability density functions that can be used to Determine groundwater age or solute age Delineate probabilistic capture zones Identify characteristics of contaminant sources uses standard numerical codes with some minor post-processing

43 Dispersion - C t (vqC) (q D ÑC ) Ñ - lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq =
- lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq Mean groundwater flow direction C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume

44 Advection - C t (vqC) (q D ÑC ) Ñ - lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq = t=t1
- lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq Dissolved contaminant t=t1 t2>t1 groundwater flow path t3>t2 C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume

45 Sorption - C t (vqC) (q D ÑC ) Ñ - lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq = FLOW t=t1
- lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq FLOW t=t1 t2>t1 C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume

46 Transformations - C t (vqC) (q D ÑC ) Ñ - lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq =
- lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq MICROBE t=t1 CO2 t2>t1 C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume

47 Forward Governing Equation
C t = - (vqC) (q D ÑC ) Ñ - lqC + qI CI - qoC Rq Sources of contamination: - natural recharge - infiltration from rivers - spills - accidental releases Sinks of contamination: - discharge to rivers - withdrawals at wells C = concentration R = retardation coefficient t = time q = porosity D = dispersion coefficient l = decay rate v = groundwater velocity qI = inflow rate per unit volume CI = inflow concentration qO = outflow rate per unit volume

48 Multiple Observations
P fx(x;t,xwi) i=1 N fx(x;t,xw1,xw2, …,xwN) = N õ ó P fx(x;t,xwi) dx i=1 fx(x;t,xwi) = single observation location probability fx(x;t ,xw1,xw2,…,xwN) = multiple observation location probability

49 Why Use Concentrations?
xo = source location Mo = source mass

50 Conditioning on Measurements
fx (x;t|Ĉ (xw1,t1)…Ĉ (xwn,tn)) = backward location PDF n a P fx(x;t,xwi,ti) P(Ĉ(xwi,ti)| M,x) dM i=1 source mass Conditioned location PDF measured concentration PDF of measured concentration P(Ĉ(xwi,ti)| M,x) ~ N(C(xwi,ti), s2)

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