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Social Deviance – An Exploration

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1 Social Deviance – An Exploration
Part I – Review and wrap-up: Visit  Log in, and you should have “Introduction to Sociology: Deviant Behavior " assigned to you for viewing.  After watching the brief fifteen minute overview of the major theories of deviance, answer the following questions in complete sentences: a. How does control theory explain individuals’ compliance with understood social norms? Additionally, how would control theory account for social deviants? b. How does differential association theory explain individuals’ compliance with understood social norms? Additionally, how would differential association theory account for social deviants? c. How does labeling theory explain individuals’ compliance with understood social norms? Additionally, how would labeling theory account for social deviants? Your log-in and password is listed below:                   Username:   WCP+studentnumber Password:     studentnumber   Part II – Application of theory: Using any available news resources, locate three recent news articles which illustrate an individual or a group that would be considered as deviant by some element of mainstream society. For each article, provide a brief description of the deviant group, and then a basic explanation as to why they are considered deviant in modern society. Then, choose one of the groups you identified and do a “deep dive” on them to learn more. You should independently identify two more articles and one non-text resource (news clip/documentary/podcast/etc…) and use what you found to answer the following: 1.) How do these individuals exist in mainstream society? 2.) What types of formal/informal sanctions do they face? 3. )Briefly analyze this group from one of the three sociological perspectives.

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