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Grounding Share your “elevator speech” from your Comprehensive Needs Assessment summary “flamingo style”

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1 Grounding Share your “elevator speech” from your Comprehensive Needs Assessment summary “flamingo style”

2 Underneath it all is our “KEEL”
Our School Improvement Plan and work keeps our “ship” moving forward in a strategic and purposeful direction towards our final “port” or goal!

3 Continuous School Improvement Process
Plan Implement Monitor and Evaluate Get Ready Collect Data Build Profile Analyze Data School Data Analysis School Process Analysis Set SMART Goals Set Key Process/strategy Develop School Improvement Plan Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan Comprehensive Needs Assessment This slide shows where developing a School Improvement Plan fits into the Continuous School Improvement Process. We are now in Developing Master Plan Design– Action steps are the “how” School Improvement Plan Master Plan Design Action Steps

4 Principal as Role or Knowledge Authority (Adaptive Schools)
Master Plan Design Principal as Role or Knowledge Authority (Adaptive Schools) Cultivates Shared leadership to help build capacity. Actively participates in the SIP meetings but does not have to facilitate the meeting. Engages in the (SIP) meeting, informs the group about constraints, resources, and values related to the topic. Nurtures soft accountability. Shares ideas and inquires about ideas of others. Also helps to develop and sustain a culture of collaboration. Ensures conditions for successful implementation which includes building vision, skills, resources, incentives and action plan. Role or Knowledge Authority; The Adaptive Schools textbook pages 71 & 72. Principals lead through modeling, and developing leadership in others is a critical attribute of improving schools. In the past, the principal has been expected to lead meetings but this is changing. “Because of their positional authority and control over school resources, principals are in a strategic position to promote or inhibit the development of a teacher learning community in their school” 4

5 CNA School Improvement Plan
Priority Concerns, Solutions The data from the bottom half of the CNA is based of off the data analysis from the 4 data measures. The priority concerns and solution should show up in the SIP as a goal, key process or action step. Goals, Key Processes, Action Steps

6 SMART Goal Samples By ____(date), ______ (school) will increase/decrease from ___to ___ as measured by _____. SMART goal aligns with this stem – from Priority Concerns

7 From Solution to Key Process/Strategy
Key Process/Strategy (Adult Actions) Linked to the SMART Goal Uses specific, planned, research- based and/or evidence-based instructional practices Addresses identified root causes of a priority concern that was identified as a challenge in the needs assessment Focuses on maximizing each student’s growth and individual success Focused on adult behavior to develop specific results for students Strategy Statements are always adult actions. They should begin with “Staff will….” or “Teachers will….” as they describe what adults will do instructionally with the students to increase student achievement. They must be linked to the measurable objective. They must address the gap identified in your measureable objective. They must also address how to close any gaps in achievement between subgroups and those not in the subgroup. Be sure that strategies are research based and that you have cited the research identified in the previous Stage. This citation needs to be specific enough so that anyone who picks up your School Improvement Plan will be able to find the research and read about your same strategy.

8 Criteria for Key Process/Strategy Statements
Begin each statement with “Teachers/Staff will...” (and/or which specific group of teachers and staff). Use an action verb of observable behavior which must be done. Write clear, concise statements that describe what you intend to accomplish. (Be specific.) Make sure each teacher/staff strategy addresses the issue and connects back to the measurable objective. This slide clarifies how a strategy statement is structured. It specifically points out the various critical components and provides color coding which is demonstrated in an actual strategy statement on the next slide.

9 Examples of Key Process/Strategy Statements
Teachers/staff will use non-linguistic representation, specifically flow maps, to teach critical thinking skills in order to increase students’ capacity to demonstrate an understanding of a concept . Teachers/staff will implement a common writing rubric based on an identified research-based model (6+1 writing). Specific emphasis will be placed on main idea and details to increase oral and written retelling. Teachers/staff will utilize manipulatives during math instruction to increase students’ ability to construct meaning of abstract mathematical ideas and concepts. Teachers/staff will incorporate Marzano’s note-taking strategies into science and social studies instruction to increase students’ capacity for summarizing. This slide contains several examples of strategy statements with color-coded components. Allow the participants time to read through these and to determine if any of them would be appropriate for their building or are similar to things they are doing in their buildings. If so, they may be able to use them as models to create their own strategy statements. Pink = Who Blue = Observable Action Green = Intended Accomplishment

10 Give it a try! With a partner, write a key process/strategy for the following measurable objective: SMART Goal: By June 2018, 80% of students will demonstrate proficiency, and all subgroups will show high growth as measured by the Reading EOG/EOC test. Have participants work with a partner to write an additional strategy statement appropriate for the measurable objective displayed on the slide. Once they are completed, have the teams evaluate their own statements with the criteria. (Teams might wish to color-code the strategy statement to align with the components on slide 21.) Pink = Who Blue = Observable Action Green = Intended Accomplishment

11 Evaluate Your Key Process/Strategy Statement
Does your statement include the phrase “All teachers/staff will…”? Does your statement include an action verb of observable behavior? Is your statement clear, concise, and describe what you intend to accomplish? Does your statement connect back to your SMART Goal? Is your statement appropriate for the intended subgroup? Have participants use these questions to evaluate the strategy statements they wrote for the previous slide. Have them consider editing any part of the statement that may not be consistent with these expectations.

12 Measurable Process Checks
Measurable process checks monitor the effectiveness and implementation of the key process Who Data When Impact on future Verb Measurable Process Check HO Remember that the measurable process check is how you monitor the key process. How are you going to know if what you set out to do is being done and impacting student achievement? The MPC is your monitoring plan. Sometimes the monitoring is identified in the action steps… In addition, you have to make sure action steps are being completed in order to carry out the key process. Sample Measurable Process Check: PLTs will review and analyze benchmark assessment data bi-weekly in order to determine effectiveness of instruction. Who verb tool when impact on future

13 Criteria for Measurable Process Check

14 Give it a try! Write a key process/strategy and MPC
for your projected School Improvement Plan. Share and discuss at your table. Choose one KP/MPC to share out with whole group. write own strategy. evaluate their own statements with the criteria on the previous slide

15 Implementation and Monitoring
How will you ensure readiness for successfully implementing your strategy? How will you monitor your strategy and it’s impact on student achievement? it is important to determine the staff’s readiness to implement. Do they understand the strategy enough to fully implement? If not, what training is necessary, not only for staff, but for leadership? What would be some possible activities that could help to build this readiness? Secondly, you must think about the logistics of successful implementation. As the saying goes, “the devil is in the details.” What actions need to be completed to set up structures to support implementation and/or what barriers need to be removed to also support implementation? Finally, consider how you will monitor effective implementation - the adult actions of “doing” the strategy - as well as monitor the impact - positive and negative - that may be occurring with students as a result of the implementation. What data will be collected in both areas to make determinations as to the effectiveness of the identified strategy? Group discussion and whole group share-out.

16 SIP Monitoring Example Key Process/Strategy
What data is being used to inform progress towards implementation and effectiveness (student achievement)? Frequency of monitoring Who is responsible for monitoring: teachers, PLTs, committee, and SIT? Implications for next steps and mid-course corrections All 6-8 teachers will incorporate academic and content vocabulary into their daily instruction to increase reading comprehension and written expression. Implementation: Walkthroughs Quarterly Literacy Committee and Administrators Literacy committee plans and provides training and coaching based on data Teacher(s) will create flexible groups to meet the needs of students Effectiveness: PLTs Common Formative Assessments and Benchmark data Monthly and Quarterly PLTs analyze data from CFAs/Benchmarks Literacy Committee and SIT analyze quarterly school wide results Example

17 Action Steps Action steps should include:
Details needed to implement the key process/strategy (Who, what, by when-timelines that build capacity) Use your action steps to identify PD needs Progression or sequence of implementation that increase in rigor Champions who coordinate Any additional measures needed

18 Criteria for Action Steps Criteria for Key Process/Strategy Statements

19 (determined during your research study)
Reflection Questions Is this the right strategy to implement? (determined during your research study) Can we implement the key process/strategy the right way? They conducted/studied research (Priority concerns, root cause, solutions phase) to identify the strategies that they are planning to implement. Doing this research helped them to identify the first question on this slide. The next few slides will help them think about critical components that they need to consider within their building if they are going to answer the second question - implementing the strategy the “right way.” If the strategy is not implemented the right way, you don’t know if your strategy is working or not. This is the transition to the research behind successful implementation practices.

20 Updates SIP Checklist Modifications to the online SIP System
Show new online system

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