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CDBG-DR Affordable Rental Housing Program

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Presentation on theme: "CDBG-DR Affordable Rental Housing Program"— Presentation transcript:

1 CDBG-DR Affordable Rental Housing Program
CDR The Texas General Land Office Community Development and Revitalization Division (GLO-CDR) “We work to rebuild communities, to put Texans back in their homes, and to help businesses recover after the trauma of disaster.” George P. Bush Texas General Land Office Commissioner

2 GLO and Long-Term Disaster Recovery

3 History of GLO and Recovery (cont.)
CDR In 2011, Governor Perry designated the Texas General Land Office as the lead state agency for long-term disaster recovery for the State of Texas, through the administration of all U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds. CDBG – DR funds are a special appropriation from Congress, associated with a Presidentially Declared Disaster. (Approx. 15% of all Presidential Declarations receive Congressional Appropriations)

4 History of GLO and Recovery (cont.)
CDR The GLO’s strategy for administration of the program is to allow for as much local control as possible The GLO does not add requirements beyond federal and state mandates The GLO works with local communities to ensure funds are spent in accordance with HUD regulations to avoid penalties, which can include repayment of federal funds if used improperly The GLO has developed new, innovative programs to expedite the recovery process

5 History of GLO and Recovery (cont.)
CDR GLO-CDR works with housing partners to ensure recovery projects are built with an emphasis on community and local government Partners include: Councils of Governments Cities, Counties Elected Officials Federal and State Agencies Housing Authorities Homeowners Advocacy Groups

6 History of GLO and Recovery (cont.)
CDR Since 2011, GLO has successfully implemented projects and programs across Texas, utilizing more than $9 billion in HUD CDBG-DR funds These funds are helping Texans to recover from: Hurricanes Rita, Ike, and Dolly; 2011 Wildfires; and The 2015/2016 Flood Events Hurricane Harvey

7 CDBG-DR Funded Programs

8 CDBG-DR Funded Programs
CDR Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Reconstruction Down Payment Assistance Buyouts Public Housing Rehabilitation Reconstruction Multi-Family Housing Rehabilitation Reconstruction

9 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR 2015 Floods 2015 Flood Allocation Amount – $5,377,889 3 properties received an award for a total of 82 units Applications were submitted through local communities

10 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR 2016 Floods 2016 Flood Allocation Amount – $222,000,000 Eligible Counties – 71 Counties, $ million will go the most impacted counties of Brazoria, Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery and Newton, and $ million will go to the other counties in a statewide competition Application Acceptance Period: Summer of 2018

11 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR Hurricane Harvey Fast Facts 49 Counties Impacted Wind gusts up to 150 mph As much as 60 inches of rain 34 trillion gallons of rainfall Over 1 million homes impacted

12 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR Hurricane Harvey Allocation: $250,000,000 (10% of total allocation) Eligible Counties: All 49 impacted counties Application Acceptance Period: Late 2018

13 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR HUD Requirements: 80% of allocation must benefit HUD-identified most-impacted counties and zip codes Harris, Jefferson, Orange, Galveston, Fort Bend, Brazoria, Montgomery, Liberty, Hardin, Chambers, Aransas, Wharton, San Patricio, San Jacinto, Nueces & Victoria 78945, 77423, 77612, 78934, 75956, 77632, 75979, 7414, 77335, & 77979

14 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR Minimum Allocation Amount – $250,000 Maximum Allocation Amount – $20,000,000 Grant Term – 20 Years Minimum size – 8 units

15 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR Harvey CDBG-DR Rental Program will be State-administered Regional competitions will be established Properties can be urban or rural Points will be awarded for leveraging funds and providing a greater number of affordable units as well serving lower income tenants

16 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR CDBG disaster recovery funds can be used to acquire, rehabilitate, reconstruct or construct new affordable rental housing Like other CDBG activities, rental activities must meet one of the three National Program Objectives (NPO) Low/Moderate Income (LMI) benefit is selected as the NPO for rental activities

17 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR At least 51% of the units must be occupied by LMI households at restricted rents to qualify Rents must comply with High HOME rent limits or HUD/RD approved project based rents Tenant paid rent, plus Utility Allowance plus rental assistance (if any) must be under the High HOME or HUD/RD approved rent limit

18 CDBG-DR Rental Program
CDR Application Submission & Selection Process Threshold and Selection Criteria Developed in Accordance with the Action Plan & State Housing Guidelines Underwriting criteria Feasibility Cost Reasonableness Duplication of Benefits Analysis Previous Participation and Experience Requirements

19 Questions? CDR

20 Thank you! Jennifer Molinari jennifer.molinari,
CDR Jennifer Molinari Jeff Crozier

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