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Oceanic and International Operations

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1 Oceanic and International Operations
Oceanic Operations and SLOP

2 Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Identify the need for an oceanic checklist Identify the components of the oceanic checklist Identify the need for a dispatch checklist Identify ICAO guidance and FAA guidance that describe the Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure (SLOP) Identify industry misunderstandings about the use of SLOP

3 Overview In this lesson we will discuss the following topics:
The need for an oceanic checklist Sample oceanic checklist Sample dispatch checklist ICAO guidance for SLOP FAA guidance for SLOP Industry misunderstandings about the use of SLOP

4 Q&A: Is an oceanic checklist required for international flight operations?

5 The Need For an Oceanic Checklist
The use of the oceanic checklist is encouraged. It follows an orderly flow for flight planning and oceanic procedures. Use of the checklist helps to: Reduce oceanic errors Increase safety, and Increase efficiency

6 Sample Oceanic Checklist
The checklist includes: Summary page Expanded explanation of all bullets on the summary page EUR/NAT link: and-NAT-Documents.aspx

7 John Harrison’s H-1 Chronometer
Watch video


9 Sample dispatch checklist
Mirrors the oceanic checklist Used by those planning flights

10 Practice Exercise 1

11 Q&A: Does the strategic lateral offset procedure allow pilots to fly left of centerline? Is ATC approval required for SLOP?

12 ICAO Guidance for SLOP ICAO Annex 2 Rules of the Air, Chapter (as amended) Procedures for Air Navigation Services Air Traffic Management (ICAO 4444 PANS ATM), Chapter (as amended) North Atlantic Operations and Airspace Manual (NAT Doc 007), Chapter – (as amended)

13 FAA Guidance for SLOP SLOP Procedure:
FAA guidance paraphrases SLOP procedures in the Domestic/International Notices to Airmen (NOTAMS) Part 3 International Notices to Airmen, Section 2 (as amended) (Class II NOTAM) AC Oceanic and International Operations, Chapter 3, Paragraph 9 (as amended)

14 Industry Misunderstandings About the Use of SLOP
Current misunderstandings: It is only used for contingencies Flying left of centerline is acceptable Need to contact ATC or return to centerline when transiting mid-ocean radar areas Not for random routes

15 Review In this lesson we discussed the following topics:
The need for an oceanic checklist Sample oceanic checklist Sample dispatch checklist ICAO guidance for SLOP FAA guidance for SLOP Industry misunderstandings about the use of SLOP

16 Objectives You should now be able to:
Identify the need for an oceanic checklist Identify the components of the oceanic checklist Identify the need for a dispatch checklist Identify ICAO guidance and FAA guidance that describe the Strategic Lateral Offset Procedure (SLOP) Identify industry misunderstandings about the use of SLOP

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