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Rival City-States: Athens versus Sparta

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Presentation on theme: "Rival City-States: Athens versus Sparta"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rival City-States: Athens versus Sparta

2 Sparta “Come back with your shield or on it”

3 Development Located on the Peloponnesus Peninsula
Founded by descendants of Dorians Militaristic society Helots

4 Government Founded on the principle that the life of EVERY INDIVIDUAL belonged to the state Militaristic Oligarchy

5 Government Oligarchy Kings (2): Religious, judicial & military duties
Ephors (5): Day-to-day operations Could veto any law; had the most political power

6 Government Council of Elders: Proposed laws; at least 60 years old
Assembly: Voted on laws; all Spartan men over the age of 30

7 Social Class Spartiates (citizens): Landowners & nobles (5%) Perioeci:
Free men; often foreign artisans & merchants Helots: Slaves/serfs

8 Status of Women Women were expected to be healthy & strong so that they could bear strong children Trained in gymnastics, wrestling & boxing

9 Status of Women Although they were respected in Spartan society, women COULD NOT participate in government

10 Education/Training Primary purpose: Produce soldiers
Military training began at age 7 Entered the military at age 18

11 Education/Training Trained to read, write & use weapons
Taught to steal, but not get caught Harsh training: no shoes, sometimes no clothing

12 Spartan Values Duty Modesty Honor Cunning Bravery Devotion Obedience
Endurance Strength Self-Reliance Modesty Cunning Devotion Success Military Power Conformity

13 Athens

14 Development Located on the Attica Peninsula (north of Sparta)
Descended from the Mycenaeans


16 Government Assembly: Passed laws & decided public issues
ALL free men over the age of 18 could participate DUTY

17 Government Council of 500: Drafted & proposed laws
Oversaw meetings of the assembly Members chosen by lottery once a year

18 Government Ostracism:
If a politician’s name appeared on 6,000 ostraca they would be EXILED!!!

19 Social Class Citizens: All free men born in Athens (50%) Metics:
Non-Athenians/aliens No land, but paid taxes Could NEVER become citizens

20 Social Class Slaves: Considered property Protection under the law
Could move up to Metic class 33% of population

21 Status of Women No formal education; learned household duties from mother Married between 13-15 Primary purpose was to have children

22 Status of Women NO legal rights
Could NOT participate in government; expected to stay out of the business of men

23 Education/Training Entered school at 7; graduated at 18
Studied arithmetic, drawing, music, gymnastics, rhetoric, literature, etc.

24 Education/Training At age 18 men served in the military for 2 years
Ephebic Oath: Pledge of loyalty to Athens & to good citizenship

25 Athenian Values Healthy mind & body Beauty Individuality
Balance & proportion Honor Athleticism Loyalty & pride Wit & humor Philosophy Debate among citizens

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