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ECE 352 Systems II Manish K. Gupta, PhD Office: Caldwell Lab 278

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1 ECE 352 Systems II Manish K. Gupta, PhD Office: Caldwell Lab 278
Home Page: TA: Zengshi Chen Office Hours for TA : in CL 341:  TBD Home Page:

2 Acknowledgements Various graphics used here has been taken from public resources instead of redrawing it. Thanks to those who have created it. Thanks to Brian L. Evans and Mr. Dogu Arifler (some of their slides are used here) Thanks to Randy Moses and Bradley Clymer

3 Course Web Page: http://www. ece. osu
Course Web Page: public_html/home/courses/ece352/index.html

4 Tentative Outline Frequency Response and Sampling Review 2 Chapter 5
Laplace Transforms Chapter 8 Transfer functions, stability and step responses Chapter 9 Z-Transforms Chapter 11 Transfer functions, stability and step responses (DT) Chapter 11 State variable descriptions Chapter 13 Applications to Communications, Control and Signal Processing selected topics from Chapters 6, 10, and 12 A more detailed tentative time line is at

5 References: Other Linear Systems Texts:
Haykin and Van Veen, Signals and Systems, Wiley, 1999. Oppenheim and Willsky, Signals and Systems, Prentice-Hall, 1997. Lindner, Introduction to Signals and Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1999. Phillips and Paar, Signals, Systems, and Transforms, 2nd ed.,Prentice-Hall, 1999. Study Guides: Hsu, Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Signals and Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1995.

6 References on Matlab: The Mathworks, Inc., The Student Edition of Matlab, Prentice-Hall. Biran and Breiner, Matlab for Engineers Addison-Wesley, 1995. This is a good elementary introduction to Matlab. Hanselman and Littlefield, Mastering MATLAB 6: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Reference, Prentice Hall, 2001. This is an excellent reference for both beginners and advanced users, with helpful hints on how to do many elemenatry and advanced operations in Matlab.

7 Other Tentative Plans Grading: The tentative grading schedule is as follows: Midterm 1: 25% Midterm 2:  25% Homework and /Projects: 15% Final 35% Homework and / OR Projects: Homework will be assigned regularly in class (Type I & II) Homework is considered an integral part of this course, and you are expected to work all homework assignments. Homework will include computer assignments that use Matlab.  Type I home works you have to submit in time. Late homework or projects will receive a grade of zero. Type II home work (class home work No submission  ) Attendance: You are responsible for all assignments, changes of assignments, announcements, and other course-related events which occur in class.

8 Please Complete First Day Survey and
Enjoy the class ! Any Questions ?

9 What is Signal ?

10 What is System ?

11 Audio CD Samples at 44.1 kHz Human hearing is from about 20 Hz to 20 kHz Sampling theorem (We will cover this later): sample analog signal at a rate of more than twice the highest frequency in the analog signal Apply a filter to pass frequencies up to 20 kHz (called a lowpass filter) and reject high frequencies, e.g. a coffee filter passes water through but not coffee grounds Lowpass filter needs 10% of cutoff frequency to roll off to zero (filter can reject frequencies above 22 kHz) Sampling at 44.1 kHz captures analog frequencies of up to but not including kHz.

12 Coverage Analysis of linear subsystems within control, communication, and signal processing systems Examples of electronic control systems? Antilock brakes Engine control Chemical processing plant Examples of signal processing systems?

13 Signal Processing Systems
Speech synthesis and speech recognition Audio CDs Audio compression (MP3, AC3) Image compression (JPEG, JPEG 2000) Optical character recognition Video CDs (MPEG 1) DVD, digital cable, and HDTV (MPEG 2) Wireless video (MPEG 4/H.263) Examples of communication systems?

14 Communication Systems
Voiceband modems (56k) Digital subscriber line (DSL) modems ISDN: 144 kilobits per second (kbps) Business/symmetric: HDSL and HDSL2 Home/asymmetric: ADSL and VDSL Cable modems Cell phones First generation (1G): AMPS Second generation (2G): GSM, IS-95 (CDMA) Third generation (3G): cdma2000, WCDMA Analog Digital

15 Wireline Communications
Internet Wireline Communications DSLAM Central Office Customer Premises downstream ADSL modem ADSL modem P S T N upstream Voice Switch Lowpass Filter Lowpass Filter HDSL High bitrate Mbps in both directions ADSL Asymmetric 1-10 Mbps down, Mbps up VDSL Very high bitrate, 22 Mbps down, 3 Mbps up

16 Wireless Communications
Time-frequency (Fourier) analysis Digital communication increases SNR/capacity Antenna array adds further increase in SNR & capacity by using spatial diversity 2.5G and 3G systems: transmit voice & data Picture by Prof. Murat Torlak, UT Dallas

17 Picture by Prof. Jean Walrand, UC Berkeley
Networking Internet Video-on-demand Sonet Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Broadband Integrated Services Network (ISDN) Gigabit Ethernet 10 Gigabit Ethernet Picture by Prof. Jean Walrand, UC Berkeley

18 Signals Continuous-time signals are functions of a real argument
x(t) where t can take any real value x(t) may be 0 for a given range of values of t Discrete-time signals are functions of an argument that takes values from a discrete set x[n] where n  {...-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3...} We sometimes use “index” instead of “time” when discussing discrete-time signals Values for x may be real or complex

19 Analog vs. Digital The amplitude of an analog signal can take any real or complex value at each time/sample Amplitude of a digital signal takes values from a discrete set 1 -1

20 Systems A system is a transformation from one signal (called the input) to another signal (called the output or the response). Continuous-time systems with input signal x and output signal y (a.k.a. the response): y(t) = x(t) + x(t-1) y(t) = x2(t) Discrete-time system examples y[n] = x[n] + x[n-1] y[n] = x2[n] x(t) y(t) System x[n] y[n] System

21 Linearity Linear systems Linear transformation T{·} satisfies both
Output is linear transformation of input Linear transformation T{·} satisfies both Homogeneity T[k x(t)] = k T[x(t)] k is a scalar constant and x(t) is an input Additivity T[x1(t) + x2(t)] = T[x1(t)] + T[x2(t)] x1(t) and x2(t) are two inputs x1(t) + x2(t) is a superposition (addition) of inputs x(t) y(t)

22 Time-Invariance A shift in the input produces a shift in the output by the same amount If T[x(t)] = y(t), then T[x(t -t)] = y(t -t) for all real-valued time shifts t Is the following system time-invariant? y(t) = x(t) + x(t -1)

23 Causality Output depends only on the current and past inputs and past outputs y(t) = y(t -1) + x(t) + 2 x(t -1) is causal y(t) = y(t +1) + x(t +1) - 2 x(t -100) is NOT causal For systems that involve functions of time (e.g audio signals), we must use causal systems if we must process signals in real-time For systems that involve functions of spatial coordinates (images), this is not of concern when entire image is available for processing

24 Generalized frequency domain analysis
Time domain analysis Signals and systems in continuous and discrete time Convolution: finding system response in time domain Generalized frequency domain analysis Laplace and z transforms of signals Transfer functions of linear time-invariant systems Tests for system stability Frequency domain analysis Fourier series Fourier transform of continuous-time signals Frequency responses of systems


26 ???

27 Mars Spirit Rover Transmits pictures: Navigation:
At 11 kbits/sec (~1/3 telephone modem rate) Across 300 million miles (485 million km) Using a 140 watt transmitter HOW? Image coding (signal processing) and digital communications Navigation: Lands within 5 miles after traveling 300 million miles 3mm error on a trip from Columbus to Cleveland 50 minute round-trip communication delay HOW? feedback control

28 Systems Applications Signal processing: Communications:
How do I encode images in the fewest bits possible, and so that bit errors don’t kill image quality? Communications: How do I reliability (few bit errors) transmit bits over 300 million miles with 140 watts of power? Control systems: How do I design feedback systems to provide robustness to uncertainties?

29 Propulsion and steering system
Feedback Control r(t) desired track Propulsion and steering system y(t) actual track

30 Propulsion and steering system
Feedback Control r(t) desired track Propulsion and steering system y(t) actual track + + - Steering correction system

31 ECE352 Goals You will learn to work with signals and systems in the time and frequency domains. You will work with continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems, and know how they relate. You will learn mathematical techniques to analyze and design signals and systems. You will learn how to apply these techniques to problems in ECE fields.

32 x(t) y(t) CT System x[n] y[n] DT System x(t) y(t) A/D D/A

33 First Day Class Home Work No Submission
Review ECE 351 Read Pages (Chapter 8) Play with Matlab !

34 Fourier Transform

35 Laplace Transform

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