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What Makes a Novel Technology Innovative?

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Presentation on theme: "What Makes a Novel Technology Innovative?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Makes a Novel Technology Innovative?
(How to Create a Commercial Partnership) Terry Fetterhoff Head, US Chief Technology Office Roche Diagnostics

2 Great to be back!

3 Roche at a glance Founded 1896 in Basel, Switzerland
Founding families still hold majority stake Employing 88,500 people Currently active in 150 countries on all continents 2014 – sales of 47.5 billion Swiss francs 2014 – 19 million patients treated with one of Roche’s top 25 selling medicines 2014 – 3 billion diagnostic tests performed Clear focus on healthcare Leadership in pharmaceuticals (#3)* World’s largest biotech company (position #1)* with truly differentiated medicines in oncology, virology, inflammation, metabolism and CNS Leadership in in vitro diagnostics (#1) and pioneer in diabetes management Unique innovation model But no position in Cytometry… * Source: Decision Resources, Q4/2014

4 Innovation in Cytometry
Any Company’s Innovation Potential lies in it’s collective ability to identify and in-license technologies before the competition

5 ? Innovation

6 Innovation in Cytometry
Definitions Invention = A novel idea / technology / process Innovation = A really good invention

7 Innovation in Cytometry
Invention: Example

8 Innovation in Cytometry
Definitions Invention = A novel idea / technology / process Innovation = A really good invention = The commercialization of an novel technology = The commercialization of an novel technology, integrated with the collective ‘know how’ = The commercialization of an novel technology that endows the customer with new capability

9 Innovation in Cytometry
Innovation Occurs when Novel Technology is matched with Unmet Customer Need Customer Insight Customer Needs Pull Push Innovation Space Commercialization Technology Development Novel Technology

10 Innovation in Cytometry
Matching Their Want with Your Have can be a Rare Event What People Want Aligned Interest What Scientists & Engineers Make Focused Alignment Successful Alliance

11 Innovation in Cytometry
Innovation Occurs when Novel Technology is matched with Unmet Customer Need Valley of Death Customer Insight Customer Needs Pull Push Innovation Space Commercialization Steps to Avoid VoD Technology Development Novel Technology

12 Innovation in Cytometry
How do you Reach Out to the Right Business Partner?

13 1. Understand your Commercial Partner
Innovation occurs across a business/technology continuum Business Operational Requirements Well Defined Wish List Strategic Migration e.g. Unclear Development Path Fuzzy Strategy Disruptive Technologies New Market White Space Technology to Challenge Strategy or Migration Path Point or Off The Shelf Solutions Technology New Dx Capabilities Performance Improvement Usability Enhancement New Dx Platforms Migration Strategy Future State Vision Emerging Technologies Need for External Technology Source

14 Innovation in Cytometry
How do you Predict the Market Value of a Novel Technology

15 2. Know and Defend the Value of your Invention
Framework for Technology Assessment Company Customer Value Proposition Market Share Profitability Protection Freedom to Operate Growth Fit Utility Technology Copyright Intellectual Property Uniqueness Competition Market Size Cost Capital Commerce

16 2. Know and Defend the Value of your Invention
Methods for Technology Valuation Cost Plus Assumes that the value of the technology is related to the cost of development Comparable Market Assumes that the value of the technology can be inferred by comparing to comparable technologies already on the market Future Return Net Present Value (NPV) based on anticipated revenue and costs calculated against a pre-determined cost of capital Monte Carlo Incorporates uncertainty by characterizing the range of potential future outcomes and interprets the NPV distribution for all scenarios, yet assuming a single course of action Real Options Decision tree analysis applied to the quantitative assessment of a business opportunity incorporating technical as well as market risk for each go/no go decision point

17 Innovation in Cytometry
So What About Clinical Cytometry?

18 Is Clinical Cytometry Receptive to Innovation?
Level of Investment Number of Applications Medical Need Market Adoption Value Based Pricing Revenue Stream Standardization Clinical Cytometry Diagnostic Sequencing Level of Automation Market Health Assessment

19 Summary Innovation is the commercialization of an novel technology that endows the customer with new capability. Commercial companies are more open to alliance with external partners for technologies just beyond their internal reach (expansive innovation). Successful alliance requires common technology valuation based on objective assessment of unmet market needs. Valuation of technologies for the clinical cytometry market is negatively influenced by various market factors, so inventors must understand and address respective market constraints. Technology development has largely met the needs of clinical cytometry. The remaining unmet needs include a greater level of automation including data analysis, greater degree of standardization, and IT connectivity. Greatest value to clinical cytometry offered from academia (inventors) is increasing medical value of new assays through evidence based improved health outcome.

20 I call my invention The Wheel, but so far I’ve been unable to attract any venture capital.

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