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Strategies for House Hold Survey Presentation by : Ms. Kalpna, Consultant Annexure – IV.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for House Hold Survey Presentation by : Ms. Kalpna, Consultant Annexure – IV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for House Hold Survey Presentation by : Ms. Kalpna, Consultant Annexure – IV

2 Purpose of Survey Household survey is a system for conducting, consolidating and identifying the gaps to achieve the SSA goal of achieving universal enrolment and universal retention by 2010. It helps in systematizing and tracking the progress of school going children. This is also used to maintained detailed records about OOSC and is used to maintain records of children who will become eligible to go to school in future.

3 Items of information included for Survey in Urban areas : Town/City level information: Location: Clearly Identification of household situated in urban slums. Name of BRC and CRC to which a school of the town is attached Number of Households in a habitation /Ward.

4 Household level information: Gender Social Class Education level & Language spoken in the HH (Regional/ Others) Family status in terms of seasonal migration during past 1 year with duration Total members of HH by gender Total members of HH in the age 0 to 13 years.

5 Child level information: Sex and age If disabled then type of disability If attending school, then school type attended and the class attended. If the school not going, whether the child is going to informal institution. If ever attended a school, highest class passed, year in which dropped out, and whether engaged as regular salaried/wage employee / casual wage labour. If never attended a school, whether child is working as child labour. Reasons for Never Enrolled and Dropped Out

6 Preparatory activities for conducting Survey in Urban areas The MHRD with Dept of School education & literacy has set common designs and procedures to do survey in the states during 2006. But for tracing children in urban area is not a easy task so an extra effort & specific strategies are needed to cover such children such as: Mapping of the area with house nos. earmarked for each survey. Night survey for working children. Identification of place where children gathered in particular time. Orientation/training of personnel who will be engaged in survey. Time schedule for survey.

7 Tips for using the schedule effectively Prior orientation to the surveyors Nature of surveyors. Gain the confidence of child. Medium of interaction should be simple and child friendly Should not rigid to the sequence of questions ask. Ask Question as per the age, maturity and present status of the child. Do probing to get exact answer. Give space to child to speak. Follow up action must be ensured to sustain the momentum and to fulfill expectation of children developed during the survey.

8 Information needed while dealing with Working & street children Duration of stay in target area Staying with whom Place of stay Information about working area Duration of work Free time personal habits, Whether he/she is school going or not Whether they want to study If yes, at what place

9 House hold strategies used by million plus cities OOSC Survey with collaboration of others Dept /NGOs. (Mumbai city) Community mobilization Kala Jatha in 296 slums(Bhopal city) Organization of Motivation camps in slums with concentration of large number of OOSC. Mobilization of PTA Door to door visit made by the teachers, academic groups, jan Shikshas and PTA members to ensure 100% enrollment. Display of poster highlighting the problems of Urban deprived children in the key area to sensitize people regarding education of these community.

10 Distribution of Pamphlets in the urban mass through leading newspaper of the districts to mobilize urban community to come forward in enrolling OOSC. Identification and enrollment drives for urban deprived children. (In Banglore) Focus mobilization camps for urban slums children through residential and none residential bridge course. (In Hyderabad) Sensitization programmes in the basthi for effective elimination of child labour. Rescue and rehabilitation drives with convergence from NCLP, Education Dept, Labour Dept. and NGOs. Use of GIS and other statistical methods for universal enrollment. (In Delhi)

11 Thanks

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