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The GEO REU Community has been developing over the past five years

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2 The GEO REU Community has been developing over the past five years
1st GEO REU Workshop 2011

3 The GEO REU Resource Center and community provides support in many ways,
Online resources The REU listserv Workshops Conference sessions Support & mentoring REU community Individualized support! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu postea adipisci eos. Mei partem dictas denique te, nec in solum equidem accumsan. Id harum splendide definitiones iusel harum errem ei. Sed putent virtute, et eirmod antiopam sea Sit diam nusquam torquatos ut, ne possim atomorum intellegam eos. Quando ignota definitionem ius an, consetetur philosophia instructior ne pro, eu sumo laoreet noluisse mea. In cum tation atomorum repudiandae, vidisse liberavisse nec at, mei affert timeam tritani et.

4 The REU GEO Email listserv:
We send in-time resources throughout the year

5 Examples of GEO REU email listserv subject headings:
Telecon: Discussion on selecting REU students Is REU housing taxable income? [answer = no] Student travel awards to SACNAS conference How do you build a supportive and welcoming climate? Help: student dropped out at last second! Making mentoring easier Training Driving community intellectually forward Sessions at AGU Informaed community to move away from own … evaluate, run. We have also started to collaborate with some of you Now what to expect over next two days – from your input Key session for new or refresher, others for more in depth Some taught by one of us, others we brought in external people, depending on the topic. We have a created as a result of last workshop, we created the online This continuation – produce a printable

6 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu postea adipisci eos
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, eu postea adipisci eos. Mei partem dictas denique te, nec in solum equidem accumsan. Id harum splendide definitiones iusel harum errem ei. Sed putent virtute, et eirmod antiopam sea Sit diam nusquam torquatos ut, ne possim atomorum intellegam eos. Quando ignota definitionem ius an, consetetur philosophia instructior ne pro, eu sumo laoreet noluisse mea. In cum tation atomorum repudiandae, vidisse liberavisse nec at, mei affert timeam tritani et.

7 Internships foster the skills that employers & grad schools seek in graduates:
Communicate well – writing and presenting clearly Problem solver, creative thinker Responsible, kind, respectful, hard-working Collected at the October 2014 AGU/AMS Heads and Chairs Meeting

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