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Presented By: Mrs. Edwards and LtCol McCann

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1 Presented By: Mrs. Edwards and LtCol McCann
Hotline 1 August 2018 Presented By: Mrs. Edwards and LtCol McCann POC: K. L. McCann (703) 1

2 Enabling Learning Objectives
With the aid of references, students will explain what a DoD Hotline is, its purpose, and how the DoD, USMC, and Local Command Hotlines are related With the aid of references, students will explain how to open, intake, and process a complaint to their Local Hotline With the aid of references, students will explain how to properly handle Anonymous and 3d Party Complaints

3 What is a DoD Hotline? 11/21/2018 A confidential, reliable means for individuals to report FWA/M, violations of law, rule or regulation, and classified information leaks involving the DoD Local Commands are DoD Hotlines and fall under DoDI dtd 17 Oct 2017 The Hotline is not exclusively IG An alternative to the chain of command

4 When the Call Comes 11/21/2018 Open a case in CMS (even if it is not yours to answer) Exception: if the complaint concerns a Senior Official or IG personnel, call IGMC Acknowledge the Complainant (unless they are anonymous or the complaint concerns a Senior Official or IG personnel) Read the entire Complaint. Determine who “owns” the problem (may take some work). If your CG does not own the problem: See if you can determine where the complaint should go Contact the Command to give them a heads-up Contact IGMC to transfer the case Do NOT it directly to another CIG Make a note in CMS Determine the appropriate Course of Action

5 Anonymous Complaint 11/21/2018 IGs will receive, intake, and process Anonymous Complaints Enter the case in CMS Don’t try to determine the Complainant’s identity Sometimes Anonymous will leave contact info You can ask for more info about the case Acknowledge receipt of the complaint; indicate that, since the Complainant is anonymous, and you have no way of knowing their relationship to the complaint, that this is the last correspondence they will receive regarding this case– unless they make a non-anonymous complaint If there is insufficient information to work the case, and you can’t obtain any more information, close the case Annotate in CMS/provide a synopsis of the complaint and actions taken in CMS Anonymous Complainants will not get a closure letter

6 3rd Party Complaint 11/21/2018 A 3rd Party Complaint is a complaint made on the behalf of someone else Sometimes, the person the complaint is made “for” neither knows about the complaint nor desires the complaint be made Provide a basic acknowledgement letter to the 3d Party Do not provide any specific information Inform the 3rd Party that, due to the Privacy Act, the release of personal information to 3rd parties is prohibited w/out consent (a subpoena would negate this requirement) Contact the person on the behalf of whom the complaint was made Inform them a 3rd party Complaint was made Do not disclose the identify of the Complainant Ask them if they wish to make a complaint; if they do, assist them in doing so

7 Questions?

8 Review Why do we have a Hotline?
What is the relationship between the DoD Hotline, the Marine Corps Hotline, and your Local Hotline? 3. When do you open a case in CMS? 4. What steps do you take when a complaint is received? How do you process: Anonymous Complaints? 3d Party Complaints?

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