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Community resilience Andrew Barnes

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1 Community resilience Andrew Barnes
Senior Environment Officer – Incident Management 7 November 2017

2 Do you know what to do? The Environment Agency provides a free flood warning service for people who are at risk of flooding. You can check your flood risk and sign up to flood warnings online at or call Floodline on

3 Do you know what to do? What should you do if you have to leave your home? Here’s a handy list of things to consider taking with you: Insurance details Landlord’s details Spare glasses/contact lenses Medication Torch and wind-up radio Bottled water and food Warm clothing Baby nappies, food and toys If you are at risk you can prepare yourself in advance: Fill in our personal flood plan template to have all the useful information in one place Create an emergency waterproof grab-bag of things to take with you Check whether your insurance covers flood damages If you are at risk, consider whether property level resilience measures would benefit you. Speak to the National Flood Forum to get advice about this. If you own property next to a watercourse, for example a river, culvert, brook or mill stream, you must: maintain river beds and banks, not obstruct the water flow.

4 Do you know what to do? Report an incident on our incident hotline:
Become an environmental volunteer, speak to us today! You know your local environment best – let us know if there is: damage or danger to the natural environment pollution to water or land poaching or illegal fishing dead fish or fish gasping for air watercourses blocked by a vehicle or fallen tree causing risk of flooding flooding from main rivers or the sea incidents at Environment Agency-regulated waste sites illegal removals from watercourses unusual changes in river flow collapsed or badly damaged river or canal banks

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