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Hand and Power Tools Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Welcome to the Hand and.

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Presentation on theme: "Hand and Power Tools Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Welcome to the Hand and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hand and Power Tools Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Welcome to the Hand and Power Tools presentation. This presentation has been specifically developed to promote understanding of hand and power tools. Please make sure you are comfortable and able to concentrate as we work our way through this presentation.

2 Our objectives for this presentation are:
Learning Objectives Our objectives for this presentation are: Provide information required by the OSHA Standards for Hand and Power Tools Equip you with the knowledge to identify hazards associated with hand and portable power tools Effectively communicate the specific precautions that should be taken with each type of hand and portable power tool Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) We have very specific learning objectives for you during this presentation. Our objectives are to: Provide information required by the OSHA Standards for Hand and Power Tools as found in 29 CFR 1910 Subpart P. Equip you with the knowledge to identify the hazards associated with hand and portable power tools. Effectively communicate the specific precautions that should be taken with each type of hand and portable power tool.

3 General safety precautions for using hand and power tools
Agenda Training Agenda: General safety precautions for using hand and power tools The proper use of hand tools Types of power tools and the hazards associated with each type Your responsibilities Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Our presentation today will involve the following agenda: Section One will discuss general safety precautions for using hand and power tools. Section Two will review the proper use of hand tools. Section Three will review the various types of power tools and the hazards associated with each type, and finally; Section Four will discuss your responsibilities

4 Tool use is unique to humans
Tools Can Be Dangerous Tool use is unique to humans Manufacturers strive to make tools as safe as possible Workers must follow specific precautions Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Anthropologists would suggest that the use of tools is one of the characteristics that separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Indeed, tools are such a common part of our lives that it is difficult to remember that they may pose hazards. All tools are manufactured with safety in mind but, tragically, a serious accident often occurs before steps are taken to search out and avoid or eliminate tool-related hazards. In the process of removing or avoiding the hazards, workers must learn to recognize the hazards associated with the different types of tools and the safety precautions necessary to prevent injuries.

5 General Safety Precautions
Five basic safety rules: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance. Use the right tool for the job. Examine each tool for damage before use. Operate according to the manufacturer's instructions. Provide and use the proper protective equipment. Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) All hazards involved in the use of tools can be prevented by following five basic safety rules: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance. Use the right tool for the job. Examine each tool for damage before use. Operate according to the manufacturer's instructions. Provide and use the proper protective equipment. Employees and employers have a responsibility to work together to establish safe working procedures. If a hazardous situation is encountered, it should be brought to the attention of the proper individual immediately. Employees using tools must also be provided with any personal protective equipment necessary to protect them from the hazards of falling, flying, abrasive, and splashing objects, and from harmful dusts, fumes, mists, vapors, or gases.

6 Hand tools are non-powered
Greatest hazards are misuse and improper maintenance Employer must provide safe and proper hand tools Employees must use hand tools properly Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Hand tools are non-powered. They include anything from saws to wrenches. The greatest hazards posed by hand tools result from misuse and improper maintenance. Some examples would include: Using a screwdriver as a chisel may cause the tip of the screwdriver to break and fly, hitting the user or other employees.   If a wooden handle on a tool such as a hammer or an axe is loose, splintered, or cracked, the head of the tool may fly off and strike the user or another worker.   Impact tools such as chisels, wedges, or drift pins are unsafe if they have mushroomed heads. The heads might shatter on impact, sending sharp fragments flying. The employer is responsible for the safe condition of tools and equipment used by employees, but the employees have the responsibility for properly using and maintaining tools.

7 Personal Protective Equipment
Appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn Floors clean and dry Tools can be an ignition source Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Appropriate personal protective equipment, such as safety goggles, gloves, etc., should be worn to protect against hazards that may be encountered while using portable power tools and hand tools. Safety requires that floors be kept as clean and dry as possible to prevent accidental slips with or around dangerous hand tools. Sparks produced by iron and steel hand tools can be a dangerous ignition source around flammable substances. Spark-resistant tools made from brass, plastic, aluminum, or wood will eliminate this possible source of ignition.

8 Section 3 Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) In Section 3, we will review power tools. Power Tools

9 Power Tool Classifications
Power tools classified by power source: Electric Pneumatic Fuel-powered Hydraulic Hazards of power tools are related to their power source Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Power tools are classified by their power source, which include: Electric Pneumatic Fuel-powered, and Hydraulic Employees must be trained in the use of all tools - including power tools. They should understand the potential hazards as well as the safety precautions to prevent those hazards from occurring. Power tools can be dangerous when improperly used. The power source of a tool will give some clues as to the safety precautions required. Let’s review each type of power tool.

10 Power Tool Precautions
Never carry by cord or hose Never yank the cord or hose Avoid heat, oil, and sharp edges Disconnect tools when not in use Keep others at a safe distance Secure work with clamps or vise Avoid accidental starting Tools should be maintained with care Maintain good footing and balance The proper apparel should be worn Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) The following general precautions should be observed by power tool users: Never carry a tool by the cord or hose. Never yank the cord or the hose to disconnect it from the receptacle. Keep cords and hoses away from heat, oil, and sharp edges. Disconnect tools when not in use, before servicing, and when changing accessories such as blades, bits and cutters. All observers should be kept at a safe distance away from the work area. Secure work with clamps or a vise, freeing both hands to operate the tool. Avoid accidental starting. The worker should not hold a finger on the switch button while carrying a plugged-in tool. Tools should be maintained with care. They should be kept sharp and clean for the best performance. Follow instructions in the user's manual for lubricating and changing accessories. Be sure to keep good footing and maintain good balance. The proper apparel should be worn. Loose clothing, ties, or jewelry can become caught in moving parts.

11 Constant pressure switch
Safety Devices Safety switches and guards are used to prevent injury during tool usage It is important that the operating controls on all handheld power tools be located to minimize the possibility of accidental operation Safety switches are designed to prevent injury by turning the tool off when not in use: Constant pressure switch Some tools may have a lock on control provided it can be turned off by a single motion Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) There are two different kinds of safety devices that are used with portable power tools; safety switches and guards. It is important that the operating controls on all handheld power tools be located to minimize the possibility of accidental operation. Let’s talk about the power switch. Safety switches are designed to prevent employee injury by automatically turning off the equipment when the employee is not using the powered tool. The most common type of safety switch is a constant pressure switch. These switches are designed to shut off power to the tool when the pressure on the switch is released. Some tools may, in addition, have a lock-on control provided it can be turned off by a single motion.

12 Flying chips and sparks
Guards Guards should be provided, as necessary, to protect the operator and others from the: Point of operation In-running nip points Rotating parts Flying chips and sparks Never remove guards! Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) The hazardous moving parts of a power tool must be safeguarded. Guards should be provided, as necessary, to protect the operator and others from the: Point of operation In-running nip points Rotating parts Flying chips and sparks Safety guards must never be removed For example, portable circular saws must be equipped with guards. An upper guard must cover the entire saw blade. A retractable lower guard must cover the teeth of the saw, except when it makes contact with the work material. The lower guard must automatically return to the covered position when the tool is withdrawn from the work.

13 Tools must be grounded or double- insulated
Electric Tools Several dangers: Electrocution Burns Slight shock Falls Tools must be grounded or double insulated Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Employees using electric tools must be aware of several dangers. The most serious is the possibility of electrocution. Other hazards include burns and slight shocks which can lead to injuries or even heart failure. Under certain conditions, even a small amount of current can result in fibrillation of the heart and eventual death. A shock also can cause the user to fall off a ladder or other elevated work surface. To protect the user from shock, tools must be either grounded with a three-wire cord, double insulated, or powered by a low-voltage isolation transformer. Let’s take a look at double insulated tools.

14 Double-Insulated Tools
Hand-held tools manufactured with non- metallic cases are called double-insulated Often used in damp locations Always disconnect tools from power source Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Hand-held tools manufactured with non-metallic cases are called double-insulated. If approved, they do not require grounding under the National Electrical Code. Although this design method reduces the risk of grounding deficiencies, a shock hazard can still exist. Such tools are often used in areas where there is considerable moisture or wetness. Although the user is insulated from the electrical wiring components, water can still enter the tool's housing. Ordinary water is a conductor of electricity. If water contacts the energized parts inside the housing, it provides a path to the outside, bypassing the double insulation. When a person holding a hand tool under these conditions contacts another conductive surface, an electric shock occurs. If a power tool, even when double-insulated, is dropped into water, the employee should resist the initial human response to grab for the equipment without first disconnecting the power source. Double Insulated marking

15 Extension Cords and Electrical Concerns
Cords suffer wear and tear Exposed wires can be hazardous A GFCI should be used Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Another potential hazard is using extension cords with portable tools. In construction, these cords suffer a lot of wear and tear. When a person handling a damaged extension cord contacts exposed wires while contacting a conductive surface, serious electrical shock can result, causing a fall, physical injury, or death. Since neither insulation nor grounding protects you from these conditions, use other protective measures. One acceptable method is a ground-fault circuit interrupter.

16 General safety practices for using electric tools:
Electric Tool Safety General safety practices for using electric tools: Electric tools should be operated within their design limitations Gloves and safety footwear are recommended during use of electric tools When not in use, tools should be stored in a dry place Electric tools should not be used in damp or wet locations Work areas should be well lighted Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Let’s review the general safety practices for using electric tools: Electric tools should be operated within their design limitations. Gloves and safety footwear are recommended during use of electric tools. When not in use, tools should be stored in a dry place. Electric tools should not be used in damp or wet locations. Work areas should be well lighted.

17 Powered Abrasive Wheel Tools
Flying fragments Inspection of abrasive wheel: “Sound test” Spindle nut tight, but not distorted Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Powered abrasive grinding, cutting, polishing, and wire buffing wheels create special safety problems because they may throw off flying fragments. Before an abrasive wheel is mounted, it should be inspected closely and sound or ring-tested to be sure that it is free from cracks or defects. When conducting a sound test, tap the wheel gently with a light non-metallic instrument. A sound and undamaged wheel will give a clear metallic tone or "ring." If it sounds cracked or dead, the wheel could fly apart during use. Therefore, it must not be used. To prevent the wheel from cracking, the user should be sure it fits freely on the spindle. The spindle nut must be tightened enough to hold the wheel in place, without distorting the flange. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Care must be taken to assure that the spindle wheel will not exceed the abrasive wheel specifications.

18 Powered Abrasive Wheel Tool Safety
Never stand in front during start-up Safety guards When using a powered grinder: Always use eye protection Always turn off the power when not in use Never clamp a hand-held grinder in a vise Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Due to the possibility of a wheel disintegrating (exploding) during start-up, the employee should never stand directly in front of the wheel as it accelerates to full operating speed. Portable grinding tools need to be equipped with safety guards to protect workers not only from the moving wheel surface, but also from flying fragments in case of breakage. When using a powered grinder: Always use eye protection. Always turn off the power when not in use. Never clamp a hand-held grinder in a vise.

19 Personal protective equipment Hose connections Safety clip
Pneumatic Tools Tools powered by compressed air and include chippers, drills, hammers, and sanders Main danger is getting hit by one of the tool's attachments or by a fastener the worker is using with the tool Personal protective equipment Hose connections Safety clip Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Pneumatic tools are tools powered by compressed air and include chippers, drills, hammers, and sanders. There are several dangers encountered with the use of pneumatic tools. The main danger is getting hit by one of the tool's attachments or by a fastener the worker is using with the tool. Eye protection is required and face protection is recommended for employees working with pneumatic tools. Noise is another hazard. Working with noisy tools such as jackhammers requires proper, effective use of hearing protection. When using pneumatic tools, employees must check to see that they are fastened securely to the hose to prevent them from becoming disconnected. A short wire or positive locking device attaching the air hose to the tool will serve as an added safeguard. A safety clip or retainer must be installed to prevent attachments from being unintentionally shot from the barrel. Screens must be set up to protect nearby workers from being struck by flying fragments around chippers, riveting guns, staplers, or air drills. Compressed air guns should never be pointed toward anyone. Users should never "dead-end" compressed air guns against themselves or anyone else.

20 Hazards of fuel-powered tools: Flammable fuels Generated heat
Should be operated only by trained employees Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) Fuel powered tools can be dangerous due to the flammable fuels used and heat that is generated. Most fuels present an ignition source that could lead to fire if not managed correctly. In addition, employees must always be cognizant of hot areas on the equipment such as mufflers or engine parts. Failure to recognize these areas can lead to burns or other injuries. In light of these facts, always remember that fuel powered tools should be operated only by trained employees.

21 Fuel-Powered Tool Safety
Always stop the tool before refueling Proper servicing and maintenance Leaked or spilled fuel should be cleaned up immediately Always wear protective gear appropriate to the tool you are using Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) With respect to Fuel Powered Tool Safety, it is important to remember the following: Always turn off the engine prior to initiating a refueling event. This will minimize any ignition sources. Make sure the equipment you are using has been properly serviced and is being appropriately maintained. If a spill or leak occurs, clean it up immediately to avoid a fire hazard, and finally, Remember to always wear appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves and hearing protection.

22 Fluid must be an approved fire-resistant fluid
Hydraulic Tools Operated or effected by the action of water or other fluid of low viscosity Fluid must be an approved fire-resistant fluid Recommended safe operating pressure must not be exceeded for: Hoses Valves Pipes Filters Fittings Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) A hydraulic tool is a tool operated or effected by the action of water or other fluid of low viscosity. The fluid used in hydraulic power tools must be an approved fire-resistant fluid and must retain its operating characteristics at the most extreme temperatures to which it will be exposed. The manufacturer's recommended safe operating pressure must not be exceeded for: Hoses Valves Pipes Filters and Other fittings

23 Your Responsibilities
Section 4 Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) In Section 4, we will review your responsibilities as a user of hand and portable power tools. Your Responsibilities

24 Your Responsibilities
All hazards involved in the use of hand and power tools can be prevented by following five basic safety rules: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance. Use the right tool for the job. Examine each tool for damage before use. Operate according to the manufacturer's instructions. Use the proper protective equipment. If you feel the PPE is insufficient, ASK! Recommended Facilitator Notes: (read the following text out-loud to participants while showing this slide) All hazards involved in the use of tools can be prevented by following five basic safety rules: Keep all tools in good condition with regular maintenance. Use the right tool for the job. Examine each tool for damage before use. Operate according to the manufacturer's instructions. Provide and use the proper protective equipment. Employees and employers have a responsibility to work together to establish safe working procedures. If a hazardous situation is encountered, it should be brought to the attention of the proper individual immediately.

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