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Homework Schedules Dear Parents and Students, All homework assignments/activities will be listed in this file, and updated daily. The most current will.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework Schedules Dear Parents and Students, All homework assignments/activities will be listed in this file, and updated daily. The most current will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework Schedules Dear Parents and Students, All homework assignments/activities will be listed in this file, and updated daily. The most current will always be first. Homework in my classroom is meant to be meaningful and doable on a daily basis. It consists of daily reading and responding, and math review in the Homework and Remembering Workbook. Additionally, if any daily classroom assignment is not finished, it will become homework as well. It is the responsibility of the student to document all assignments/activities. At the end of each day, your child will record the daily assignments in a basic spiral notebook. The reading log is due every Friday and consists of four questions that the student chooses from a specific selection. All four questions need to be completed. Responses may be typed or neatly hand- written in the spaces provided. If more space is needed simply staple additional paper. Typed responses will be given extra credit. If extra space is needed for hand written responses, lined paper is required and lines must be skipped. Math homework will be discussed/corrected each morning. All students need a colored ball point pen, for correction purposes. The Homework and Remembering Workbook should be kept in the student’s backpack. Incomplete daily activities are due on the following school day.

2 Homework Schedule for Week: 11/5-11/9, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 11/5 Reading Log: Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages 65-66-due next day POW- Mistakes G-Classroom Tuesday 11/6 POW- First Draft Wednesday 11/7 -due next day POW- Revise and edit- bring in tomorrow to review checklist and rubric. Thursday 11/8 due next day. POW- Final draft due on Friday. This is the “perfect” copy.

3 Homework Schedule for Week: 10/29-11/1, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 10/29 Reading Log: Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages 57-58-due next day POW- Brainstorm Tuesday 10/30 due next day POW- First Draft Wednesday 10/31 -due next day NO MATH – HAPPY HALLOWEEN! TELL PARENTS NEW NEWSLETTER AFTER 6PM. POW- Revise and edit- bring in tomorrow to review checklist and rubric. Thursday 11/1 61-62 due next day. POW- Final draft due on Friday. This is the “perfect” copy. You can write in Google Docs and share with me.

4 Homework Schedule for Week: 10/22-26, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 10/22 Reading Log: Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages 51-52-due next day Tuesday 10/23 53-54-due next day Wednesday 10/24 55 and 56-due next day Field Trip- bring a bag lunch, no lunch boxes. Thursday 10/25 due next day. LIBRARY BOOKS –DUE MONDAY!

5 Homework Schedule for Week: 10/29-11/1, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 10/29 Reading Log: Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages -due next day Tuesday 10/30 Wednesday 10/31 Field Trip- bring a bag lunch, no lunch boxes. Thursday 11/1 -due next day. LIBRARY BOOKS –DUE MONDAY!

6 Homework Schedule for Week: 10/15-19, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 10/15 Reading Log: This week the focus is on “Inferring”. Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages 43-44-due next day Language/Spelling Packet-DUE THURSDAY REMEMBER LIBRARY BOOKS IF YOU FORGOT! Book Cover Project 10/17 Tuesday 10/16 45-46-due next day Book Cover Project- due 10/17 Native America Tribe pics. Wednesday 10/17 47-48-due next day Language/Spelling Packet due tomorrow! Four basket stories due on Friday. Thursday 10/18 due next day. TELL MOM AND DAD NEW NEWSLETTER! Study for U1W3 spelling test and vocabulary test . Basket stories due. LIBRARY BOOKS –DUE MONDAY!

7 Homework Schedule for Week: 10/8-12, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 10/8 Reading Log: This week the focus is on “Inferring”. Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages 37-38-due next day Language/Spelling Packet-DUE THURSDAY REMEMBER LIBRARY BOOKS IF YOU FORGOT! Book Cover Project 10/17 Tuesday 10/9 39-40-due next day Book Cover Project- due 10/17 Wednesday 10/10 -due next day NO MATH HOMEWORK Language/Spelling Packet due tomorrow! Thursday 10/11 due next day. Study for U1W2 spelling test. No vocabulary test. Book Cover Project – 10/17 LIBRARY BOOKS –DUE MONDAY!

8 Homework Schedule for Week: 10/1-5, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 10/1 Reading Log: This week the focus is on “predicting”. Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages -due next day NO MATH WE HAD A TEST Social Studies Reading and Worksheet- Please write in complete sentences. REMEMBER LIBRARY BOOKS Tuesday 10/2 29 and 30-due next day Field trip permission slips and money! Wednesday 10/3 31-34due next day Book Cover Project- due 10/17 Thursday 10/4 35-36-due next day Study for U1W1 spelling test and vocabulary test. U1 reading test. Book Cover Project – 10/17

9 Homework Schedule for Week: 9/24-28, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 9/24 Reading Log: This week the focus is on “summarizing”. Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages 21-22-due next day Chomp summary Chapter 4. Tuesday 9/25 23-24-due next day Chomp summary Chapter 5. Wednesday 9/26 25-26-due next day Thursday 9/27 27-28-due next day UNIT 1 Test on Monday- Study Your Packet! Study for vocabulary test tomorrow Newsletter online! Benchmark Starts on Monday- Bring special snack for Wizard of Oz.

10 Homework Schedule for Week: 9/17-20, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 9/17 Reading Log: This week the focus is on “plot”. Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages 13-14 Due Next Day Bring 7x6 piece of Cardboard for science. Finish muscles packet for science. Tuesday 9/18 15-16 CHOMP- Story Board All six scenes drawn and colored. Wednesday 9/19 17-18 Summary for Chomp, Chapter 3 Finish Summary for Chapter 2 Thursday 9/20 19-20 Study for vocabulary test. Friend Paragraph (final). Social Studies- 3-6

11 Homework Schedule for Week: 9/10-13, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday 9/10 Reading Log: This week the focus is on “setting”. Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages Pages 5 and 6 Due Next Day Heritage Doll-due 9/14 Tuesday 9/11 Pages 7 and 8 September Newsletter is on Miss I’s website. Wednesday 9/12 Pages 9 and 10 Thursday 9/13 Pages 11 and 12 Study for Vocabulary Quiz Finish draft for “A Good Friend”

12 Homework Schedule for Week: 9/4-7, 2018
Day Reading Math Other Monday Labor Day! Reading Log: Due Friday Homework and Remembering Pages Due Next Day Tuesday 9/4 This week the focus is on “character”. Pages 1 and 2 In your own words tell me what you think “art” is. List 3 works of art and the creators. Tell me why you chose each work. Wednesday 9/5 NO MATH TONIGHT! Heritage Doll-due 9/14 BRING PHOTO FOR FLAG IF YOU HAVE NOT ALREADY DONE SO! Thursday 9/6 Pages 3 and 4 Finish Flag at home complete with picture.

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