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Divine Revelation: A Summary

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1 Divine Revelation: A Summary

2 Divine Revelation God chose to reveal Himself and make known the mystery of His will Mystery A truth that cannot be discovered by man alone and that cannot be fully known or expressed by man’s finite mind. God’s revelation of Himself is an invitation of friendship

3 How Has Divine Revelation Been Handed on?
God has ensured that His revelation of Himself to us will remain whole and complete and be handed on to all generations until the end of time. Tripod of Truth Sacred Tradition Sacred Scripture Magisterium

4 Revelation Handed On Revelation has been handed down to us through the Apostles. It has been handed on in two ways Orally In Writing This is continued today through Apostolic Succession.

5 Apostolic Succession “In order that the full and living Gospel might always be preserved in the Church, the Apostles left Bishops as their successors. They gave them their own position of Teaching Authority” (CCC 77). There is a direct line of ordination from all the Bishops back to the Apostles. The Pope, is the Bishop of Rome and the Successor of Peter, the first Pope.

6 Authority The Task of giving interpretation to Scripture and tradition has been entrusted to the teaching office of the Church. The Teaching office is called the Magisterium. The Magisterium is made up of the Bishops in Union with the Pope (The Bishop of Rome). “Yet the Magisterium is not superior to the Word of God, but is its servant. It teaches only what has been handed on to it” (CCC 86)

7 Divine Revelation: A Summary
The Father Reveals himself through his Creation and Adam and Eve. God reveals himself through Abraham, Moses and the Prophets. The Father Sends the Son. Jesus Commissions the 12 Apostles. Peter, along with the other Apostles form the 1st Magisterium.

8 Divine Revelation: A Summary
The Pope is given the gift of Infallibility Infallibility: the charism (gift) to teach without error on issues of faith and morals. It is on specific matters, not science, math, sports They Leave Successors which are called Bishops. Bishops ordain Priests to help in their ministry. They then pass along the message of the Gospel to all the Faithful (Us). It is their job to hand on The Deposit of Faith This is all Guided by the Holy Spirit


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