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He is God, the One. God the Eternal. No one is comparable to him. Qur’an Surah 112 This tells Muslims they must only believe in one God, Allah. They must not believe in multiple Gods, or believe that Allah would create a human version of himself. They must not worship any other God but Allah. To do this would be shirk..
“We believe in one God, Allah and Muhammad is his messenger.” The Shahadah (Muslim statement of belief) This shows Muslims only believe in one God and indicates that Muhammad is the most important prophet for Muslims.
“The most Excellent Names belong to God. Use them to call on him.”
99 NAMES OF ALLAH “The most Excellent Names belong to God. Use them to call on him.” Quran 7:180 This suggests to Muslims that they should learn the names of Allah as this can help them to understand Allah’s nature and powers.
ALLAH IS IMMANENT “He (Allah) is with you wherever you are.”
Qur’an 57:4 “We are closer to him than our jugular vein.” Qur’an 50:16 This suggests to Muslims that Allah is within all things and very close to his people during their earthly lives. Allah is involved in the world in some way.
ALLAH IS OMNIPOTENT There is no God but Him, the creator of all things, so worship him. He is in charge of everything. No vision can take him in. Qur’an 6 This suggests to Muslims that Allah created everything and is in charge of everything. Allah is all powerful.
ANGELS AS MESSENGERS “Praise be to God, creator of the heavens and earth, who made angel messengers with two, three or four pairs of wings.” Qur’an 35:1 This suggests angels are made by Allah to deliver his message to people on earth.
ANGELS AS GUARDIANS “Each person has angels before him and behind, watching over him by God’s command.” Qur’an 13:11 This suggests that everyone has an angel with them at all times looking over them, protecting them from harm and from temptation from Iblis (the devil).
“Anyone who is an enemy of God’s angels, especially Jibrail and Mikail, is also an enemy of God.” Qur’an 2:98 This suggests that angels are important to Allah and they deserve respect.
JUDGEMENT OF ACTIONS “The record of their deeds will be laid open. They will find everything they ever did laid in front of them. Your Lord will not be unjust to anyone.” Qur’an 18:49 This suggests that everyone will be held accountable for their actions on Judgement Day. Muslims believe they should be a good person all day everyday as all their actions will be recorded in the book of deeds. Allah will reward the good and punish the guilty.
PREDESTINATION “Only what God has decreed will happen to us. Let the believers put their trust in God. (Qur’an 9:51) Sunni belief that Allah already knows what will happen in a person’s life because Allah has pre-planned it.
PREDESTINATION “God does not change the condition of people unless they change what is in themselves.” (Qur’an 13:11) Shi’a belief that Allah knows everything that will happen, but does not decide what is going to happen. People still have free will so they can make their own choices.
“On couches of well woven cloth they will sit. There will be any fruit they choose, the meat of any bird they like. It will be a reward for what they used to do.” Qur’an 56 Muslims who have been good during their earthly life will be rewarded in paradise (Al-Jannah)
LIFE AFTER DEATH-HELL “There will be garments of fire for those who disbelieve, scalding water poured over their heads, and they will be told to taste the suffering of the fire.” Qur’an 22 Muslims believe those who have behaved badly during their earthly life and not shown commitment to their faith will be punished in hell.
“Every community is sent a messenger.”
PROPHETHOOD-RISALAH “Every community is sent a messenger.” Qur’an 10:47 Muslims believe that Allah shows his love by sending his message to prophets who then pass the message on and provide guidance as to how Allah wants people to live.
PROPHETHOOD-ADAM “He (Allah) created you from dust. You became human and scattered far and wide.” “He taught Adam the names of all things”. He then showed the angels who said “May you be glorified. Yu are the all knowing.” Muslims believe Adam was very important as he was the first human created by Allah and was given lots of knowledge.
PROPHETHOOD-ADAM “He (Allah) created you from dust. You became human and scattered far and wide.” “He taught Adam the names of all things”. He then showed the angels who said “May you be glorified. Yu are the all knowing.” Muslims believe Adam was very important as he was the first human created by Allah and was given lots of knowledge.
PROPHETHOOD-IBRAHIM “Who could be better in religion than those who direct themselves wholly to God, do good and follow the religion of Abraham who was true in faith?” Muslims believe Abraham was an important prophet who showed total commitment to Allah by being prepared to sacrifice his own son as Allah has commanded. He also brought the message of Allah (Scrolls of Abraham)
“He is God’s messenger and the Seal of the Prophets.” Qur’an 33:40 Muslims believe Muhammad was the final prophet to receive Allah’s message, and it was delivered in such a way that it could never be changed or distorted. “Seal” means the Qur’an is now final and closed.
PROPHETHOOD-ISA “We sent Jesus, in their footsteps, to confirm the Torah that had been sent before him. We gave him the Gospel with guidance, a guide and lesson for those who take heed of God.” Muslims believe that Jesus was an important prophet, who was sent to reinforce the message of Allah which had been given before to Ibrahim (Abraham) and Musa (Moses).
THE QUR’AN “This is the scripture in which there is no doubt, containing guidance for those who are mindful of God” Qur’an 2:2 Muslims believe the Qur’an is the direct words of Allah and provides the perfect guidance on how to live.
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