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Effective Reading and Note Taking

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Reading and Note Taking"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Reading and Note Taking
Dr. Sherwan Rahman Sulaiman MD MSc PhD College of Medicine Hawler Medical University Learn active, deep processing strategies Explore the different purposes for study tasks Learn about active reading and note making strategies Practise using learning strategies Study skills for college – remembering what worked for you in school or work but then being Aware of the differences in college and making adjustments. Today we’ll focus on reading and notetaking but we’ll touch on other areas too.

2 Learning Outcome Learn active, deep processing strategies
Explore the different purposes for study tasks Learn about active reading and note making strategies Practise using learning strategies

3 Active studying means Working with the material to try to build understanding Find a way process the information in a deep and meaningful way Make your study more alive.

4 How? Have a framework PSR Think about the purpose of the study task
Consider the best way to approach it Reflect and review PSR Purpose – why? Strategy – how? Review – check!

5 Discussion (5 mins) How do you study (reading/notes) ?
How do you take read? How do you take notes? There are other ways to revise, ask friends, tutors etc. what they do.

6 Get reading – actively! Purpose Strategies to suit: Review Scanning
SQ3R Note making Review

7 Electrical Oscillation
15 Seconds 15 Minutes Forever Memory Consolidation In Your Brain Electrical Oscillation Biochemical Reaction Protein

8 Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve
Schedule Time for Reviews

9 Get Thinking - Reading Asking questions
What is the point of view of author? Evaluate evidence Forming opinions Overview Summarise main points Understanding Get the gist of the topic Gather supporting evidence Critique or evaluate enjoyment

10 Being Selective Ask lectures/tutors what is most relevant
Be alert for hints and clues Ask fellow students Ask students in years ahead Share reading Preview or skim before in-depth reading


12 Taking Notes

13 Notes Your Summary Notes Review Notes Source Exams Or Essays
Create summary sheets by topic, main idea or concept. Use diagramming, charting, outlining, mind maps, writing or tables.

14 Types of Notes Prose or summary Outline or skeleton
Mind or concept maps Cornell or 2 Column How do you take notes?

15 WHY TAKE NOTES? Taking notes helps students to concentrate in class.
Taking notes develops a sense of listening, allowing the reader to recognize main ideas. Makes student an active part of the learning process rather than a passive listener. Helps prepare for the exams, quizzes.

16 WHY TAKE NOTES? Notes often contain info that generally cannot be found else where (i.e textbooks). Notes are often a valuable clue for what instructor thinks is important. Taking notes in class means that you are working the information and processing in every day

17 TAKING NOTES IN CLASS Before the lecture begins:
Arrive to class on time. Sit as near to the front of the room as possible to eliminate distractions. Be sure to have read assigned readings before coming to class. Make a list of questions from the readings to ask the professor in class. Review your notes from previous lecture.

18 TAKING NOTES IN CLASS During the lecture:
Have your paper & pencil or pen ready. Attend all of every class. Copy everything that instructor writes on the board, especially the outline. Be an active listener and pay attention to instructor’s verbal cues. His choice of words might indicate the importance of the information. For example.., most importantly.., the result is.., finally etc. Use your own words in summarizing what instructor is saying.

19 TAKING NOTES IN CLASS To write a little faster use abbreviations & symbols to record the information. W/ with W/O without Page < less than b/4 before = equals % percent Vs versus C/o care of

20 TAKING NOTES IN CLASS Be clear & complete in your notes. Leave a (?) by info that is unclear. Later go back & check with your instructor. After the lecture: Revise and/or rewrite the notes as quickly as possible, preferably the same day of the lecture. Coordinate readings and the lecture notes. Review notes at least once a week & also review before next lecture.

21 Using a tape recorder If permitted, tape recorders can be used in class to record the lecture. Unless you have a learning disability, take notes just as you would if the tape recorder were not there. Later, you can listen to the tapes to clarify your notes and help you remember important ideas.

22 NOTE TAKING FOR MATH Write down the title of the lesson.
Write down the math problem & each step in solution using math symbols. Next to each step write down in your own words exactly what you are doing. (This is easier to do when you are revising your notes). Ask instructor about the part of the problems you don’t understand. Do ALL homework problems and not just some of them!

23 Summary

24 Outline

25 Concept Maps

26 Mind Maps

27 ?

28 Taking Notes Write brief notes here as you are reading a book
Keywords or Questions here Write brief notes here as you are reading a book OR during a lecture Write a short summary of the page here

29 Taking Notes Types of Matter Solids -have a definite shape
Liquids ? Types of Matter Solids -have a definite shape -have a defiinte volume Liquids -Do not have a shape - Have a volume Write a short summary of the page here


31 Thank you for your time Any Questions?

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