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The Protestant Reformation
I. What was the Protestant Reformation?
When Martin Luther broke away from the Catholic Church and started the first Protestant faith: Lutheranism II. Reasons for the Reformation Monarchs were threatened with excommunication if didn’t obey the church Priests were illiterate Clergy frequently broke vows - especially chastity Church officials (including the pope) led a life of luxury and leisure Practice of simony (selling of church offices)
Practice of selling indulgences (a certificate of pardon for a sin)
If purchased, your soul would spend less time in purgatory (a place where souls too impure to enter heaven would make amends for sins committed during one’s lifetime) 1517- a priest named Johann Tetzel set up a platform outside of Wittenburg. He offered indulgences to those giving $ to help rebuild a cathedral in Rome. He said this would assure entry into heaven for them and their dead relatives
III. Martin Luther German monk and professor of theology Disillusioned by Church corruption
95 Theses Angered by Tetzel’s sale of indulgences Drew up the 95 Theses, or arguments, criticizing the Catholic Church He posted his list on the door of Wittenberg’s All Saints Church Almost overnight, copies of Luther’s work was printed and distributed across Europe, stirring furious debate
Luther vs. the Church Luther was told to recant (give up his views); Luther refused In 1521, Luther was excommunicated Charles V (HRE) summoned Luther to the diet (assembly) at Worms; again, he did not recant
Lutheranism Luther started his own Protestant faith: Lutheranism: Believed in Justification by Faith (a person could be made good by faith alone – good deeds and buying indulgences not necessary for salvation) Believed the Bible was the sole source of religious truth (denied the pope and other authorities) Believed in stressing biblical teachings (concentrated on sermons, not elaborate rituals)
Believed services should be led in vernacular (common language), not Latin; had Bible translated into the vernacular so all could read it Rejected 5 of the 7 sacraments because the Bible did not mention them Banned indulgences, confession, pilgrimages, and prayers to saints Permitted clergy to marry
IV. The Reformation Spreads
John Calvin (Calvinism) Believed in predestination (salvation was predetermined a long time ago) Discipline and strict moral life proved who had been chosen Anabaptists Christians should be baptized as adults b/c that is when you can make an informed decision True Christians should form a separate community Baptists, Quakers, and Amish all trace their ancestry to the Anabaptists
Henry VIII (Anglicanism/Church of England)
Wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Boleyn (Catherine could not produce a male heir to the throne but had one living daughter = Mary Tudor) Henry asked pope to annul marriage- pope said no Henry broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and started his own religion: Anglicanism (all to marry Anne Boleyn- and to try to have a male heir to the English throne!)
Monarch is the supreme religious leader of the Church of England (as passed by the Act of Supremacy)
Many Catholics refused to accept this and were executed for treason (Thomas More) Most beliefs are the same as Catholicism (except allowed the use of the English Bible)
Puritans A radical group that wanted to purify the Church of all Catholic rituals Were persecuted and forced to immigrate to the US Colonies
V. Catholics (Counter Reformation or the Catholic Reformation)
Pope Paul III Led the Counter, or Catholic Reformation Had Church abuses catalogued Called meeting at Trent to deal with growth of Protestantism Council of Trent defined Catholic beliefs and corrected abuses prohibited sale of indulgences simony outlawed monasteries and convents cleansed of immoral clergy
RESULT = Europe into a Catholic South and a Protestant North
Jesuits pope recognized a new religious order, the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits founded by a Spanish priest named Ignatius of Loyola determined to combat heresy and spread the Catholic faith Inquisition Strengthened during the Catholic Reformation Imprisoned, exiled, or executed those convicted of heresy. RESULT = Europe into a Catholic South and a Protestant North
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