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Warm-up What were Abraham Lincoln’s goals for bringing the Confederate States back into the Union after the Civil War? Why didn’t he reach those goals?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up What were Abraham Lincoln’s goals for bringing the Confederate States back into the Union after the Civil War? Why didn’t he reach those goals?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up What were Abraham Lincoln’s goals for bringing the Confederate States back into the Union after the Civil War? Why didn’t he reach those goals?

2 Reconstruction

3 Reconstruction Plans for the physical, emotional, and political rebuilding and readmitting states into the Union after the Civil War Without Slavery

4 Political Issues S. Democrat Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s Vice President, becomes president after Lincoln’s Assassination. His political goals are to follow Lincoln’s plans and peacefully bring the southern states back into the Union. The Radical Republicans, the group who wanted to punish the South believed that Johnson was too lenient and ultimately tried to Impeach Andrew Johnson, but were unsuccessful

5 Amendment to the constitution that will Abolish/end slavery

6 Slavery Sharecropping

7 Black Codes Laws created in the South to limit the freedom of Freedmen. Examples: Freedmen were not allowed to assemble in groups without a white person present Freedmen must be employed, or they could be jailed Freedmen could not carry firearms Freedmen could not travel freely without a permit… which cost money and would be approved by Whites No Holding Public office or serving on juries

8 14th Amendment Amendment to the Constitution that guaranteed equal protection under the laws, due process, and EQUAL RIGHTS to all

9 Military Districts To enforce the reconstruction amendments, the South was broken into Military districts. The United States military was stationed across the South to enforce laws.

10 KKK Because the Military is present in the South, a new Political force called the KKK formed. This group was made up of Southern Democrats who wished to limit the rights and ability to vote for freedman. They were a terror group who attacked Freedmen and any others who supported the rights of freedmen.


12 Election of 1876 Republican, Rutherford B. Hayes is elected as president, despite questionable voting in the South. To make the Southern States/Democrats happy a compromise was created. Hayes wins the Presidency Republicans Happy Hayes will take include 1 Democrat in his Cabinet South/Democrats Happy Hayes will pull all military out of the South South/Democrats Happy


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